Programma borse di partecipazione per Wikimania 2011

Da Wikimedia Italia.
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Programma borse di partecipazione per Wikimania 2011

Wikimania 2011, settima edizione del raduno internazionale, si terrà ad Haifa, in Israele, dal 4 al 7 agosto di quest'anno. Wikimedia Italia mette a disposizione 10 "borse di partecipazione" per ammortizzare i costi di partecipazione all'evento.

Obiettivi del progetto

  • Incoraggiare la partecipazione all'evento di wikipediani e wikimediani italiani, che nelle ultime edizioni è stata numericamente piuttosto modesta.
  • Arricchire il raduno grazie alla partecipazione di gruppi di partecipanti diversi all'interno del movimento

Come fare domanda per la borsa

Per richiedere la "borsa di partecipazione" a Wikimania 2011, compilare e inviare il modulo che si trova alla pagina ...

Idoneità: Può candidarsi qualsiasi contributore attivo di uno dei progetti Wikimedia o membro di uno dei chapters. Possono comunque candidarsi anche persone che si occupano di altri progetti nell'ambito della conoscenza libera, del software libero o di iniziative culturali e associative.

Selezione: Tutte le domande per l'assegnazione di una borsa verranno esaminate dal direttivo di Wikimedia Italia. Per ulteriori dettagli vedere sotto al paragrafo "Selezione delle candidature"

Termine ultimo per la presentazione: Il termine ultimo per l'invio delle richieste è fissato per le 23.59 del 15 marzo 2011.

For more information about the Wikimania 2011 Scholarships Program, please visit the Questions & Answers page.

Scholarship Selection


The Scholarships Review Committee rates scholarships applicants based on a standardized set of criteria. The anticipated timeline for the scholarship program is as follows:

  • January 1-31, 2011 – Scholarship application open
  • January-March 2011 – Scholarship committee reviews applications and rates based on selection criteria and special considerations
  • End-March-Early April 2011 – Applicants are notified about final decisions

A note about Special Consideration: Following the committee rating process, special consideration will be factored in for 1) applicants from the Global South, according to the Movement Priorities as outlined by the Strategic Plan, with a particular focus on target areas India, Brazil, and Middle East/North Africa; and 2) female applicants (an under-represented editing demographic).

Selection Criteria 2011

Applicants will be rated on the three dimensions:
A) Current/historic level of participation in Wikimedia (50% of total score),
B) Current/historic level of participation in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative and/or educational initiatives (15% of total score), and
C) Future goals for participating in the Wikimedia movement (35% of total score)

Active within Wikimedia (50%)

Applicants active within Wikimedia are those highly engaged participants in the Wikimedia Projects: editors, Wikimedians, and community members who will add value to Wikimania through their experience, knowledge, and dedication in online and/or offline activities, like involvement with chapter activities, meetups, etc.

4 = Very high level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in two or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewers judge "very high level")
3 = High level participant, defined by continued involvement and high impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "high level")
2 = Mid level participant, defined by continued involvement and average impact in one or more projects, chapter or Wikimedia initiative (or as the reviewer judge "mid level")
1 = Low level participant, defined by relatively new account, few edits, and little or no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.
0 = Not a participant, defined by a brand new account, or almost no edits, and no involvement in any Wikimedia project or initiative.

Activity outside Wikimedia (15%)

Activity outside of Wikimedia measures applicants relevant activity outside of the Wikimedia movement. These participants may exhibit qualities of innovation, participation in other aspects of the free culture/open source movement. It is a measure for those who have shown potential to add value to the Wikimedia projects and movement, who can enhance and build on this potential at/by Wikimania, and who can disseminate what they learn at Wikimania to their respective communities.

4 = High level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with very high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
3 = Mid to high level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with high potential to benefit Wikimedia.
2 = Mid level participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with some potential to benefit Wikimedia.
1 = Low level new participant, defined by involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiative with low potential to benefit Wikimedia.
0 = Not a participant, defined by no involvement in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative or educational initiatives.

Future goals for participating in the Wikimedia movement (35%)

Applicants are expected to have concrete goals for how attendance at Wikimania will impact their future involvement in the Wikimedia movement.

4 = Very strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; specific, concrete ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
3 = Strong desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; a few less developed ideas about how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
2 = Some desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; vague and under-developed ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
1 = Low or unclear desire to be involved with the Wikimedia movement going forward; unclear and non-thoughtful ideas for how applicant's unique skills, styles, and interests can be incorporated into and enhance the Wikimedia movement
0 = No anticipated involvement with Wikimedia in the future