Bilancio consuntivo 2010/en

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This is an English translation of Bilancio consuntivo 2010 Flag of Italy.svg,
it may be not updated or may be different from the original


I. Incomes

€ 309.020,00

1. Institutional area incomes

€ 307.119,81

1.1. Membership fees

€ 8.103,22

1.2. Donations

€ 298.631,59

1.2.1. Donations in the rest of the year

€ 7.812

1.2.2. Donations during Fundraising campaign 2009

€ 10.947,44

1.2.3. Donations during Fundraising campaign 2010

€ 279.872,15

1.3. Raccolte pubbliche di fondi occasionali

€ 385

2. Collateral area incomes

€ 1.900,19

2.1. Gadget sale on the website

€ 450,19

2.2. Course for librarians in Tuscany

€ 1.200

2.3. 2009 bank expenses refunded by Unicredit bank

€ 250

II. Expenditures

-€ 66.585,7

3. Institutional area expenditures

-€ 62.795,17

3.1. Illustrative packs & projects

-€ 8.024

3.1.1 Videowikiguides: Wikipedia and Commons

-€ 7.040

3.1.2 Soundtrack of a short toon movie released under Creative Commmons licence

-€ 984

3.2 Events & projects organization

-€ 17.245,24

3.2.1 Wikimedia Italia Award

-€ 1.545

3.2.2 Digital Freedom Festival 2010

-€ 15.088,2

3.2.3 WMI general assembly in Bologna

-€ 168,95

3.2.4 WMI & Wikiwall @ Lucca Comics

-€ 443,09

3.3. Refund of expenses to members

-€ 1.714,82

3.4. General expenses

-€ 543,47

3.4.1. Mail and office stationery expenses

-€ 160

3.4.2. Membership cards

-€ 221,60

3.4.3. Bank accounts

-€ 161,87

3.5. Web domains maintenance and purchase

-€ 468

3.6. Legal expenditures

-€ 4.091

3.7. WMF Fundraising 2009 share

-€ 30.708,64

4. Collateral area expenditures

-€ 3.790,53

4.1. Gadgets purchase

-€ 3.095,34

4.2. Gadgets' shipping

-€ 445,00

4.3. Taxes

-€ 250,19

III. Operating result

Surplus for the financial year

€ 242.434,30

Operating surplus in previous years

€ 67.307,99

Fluid assets

€ 309.742,29


  • 1.2.2. Since 01/01 to 08/01
  • 1.2.3. Since 12/11 to 31/12
  • Fluid assets. About 160.000 € are not in association's avalibility since they are the WMF Fundraising 2010 share.