Empowering Italian GLAMs/Tech evaluations

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Information about the tool related to Empowering Italian GLAMs.


To be identified.
Command line access
Should be not required.
User storage needed
30G (1000 musei, 20 foto, 1.5M/foto)
* PHP (executes Python commands)
* MySQL database
* Python
Available servers
  • Cloud VPS: to be requested
  • server from current provider 💼 vh - average cost max. 400€ / server, automated backups already included
  • lessema: enough storage but it's dedicated to CiviCRM - not enough separation
  • beta: not owned by WMIT
  • delta: not owned by WMIT
  • epsilon: not owned by WMIT
  • horror: dedicated to backups - not enough separation
  • intreccio: not enough storage
  • manoscritto: not enough storage - not enough separation with ZNUNY
  • toolforge: not enough storage - https://t.me/wmcloudirc/44175

Gruppo di lavoro
