Relazione sulle attività 2016/en

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WMIT Activities - Annual report 2016

The annual report of WMIT activities for the year 2016 is organized in chapters highlighting the main goals reached within every programme developed by the Association.

GLAM - Libraries

The main objective identified by Wikimedia Italia for the year 2016 with libraries was to consolidate the existing relationships with italian institutions, in order to develop the activities on a larger scale in the future.

The training courses on Wikimedia projects addressed to librarians - the core activity of the Association on this programme - produced good results in 2016: 34 events were held, involving 1011 participants on the whole. These activities made possible to achieve 42.195.419 file downloads, 5223 pages and 386,000 kb of text on the Wikimedia projects. Also the courses generated 84 new registrations and 25 new contributors on Wikipedia. Many of these courses were organized in collaboration with AIB [1] and, in particular, the local branches of the association in Toscana, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Puglia, Liguria e Marche. Unfortunately, despite the strong efforts of WMI on this side, the collaboration with AIB has not yet led to a formal agreement at national level. This is going to be one of the main objectives for the strategic plan drafted for 2017-2019.

Regarding the Wikipedians in Residence, the fruitful collaboration with BEIC[2] - started in 2014 - continued and led to extraordinary results in 2016 including reaching an historical objective: on April 2016 almost 17,000 photographs coming from the Paolo Monti photo archive were made freely available on Wikimedia Commons. It is the most important release in Italy by a cultural institution.

In order to promote its activities with libraries, the association also participated to various public events such as Smart City week in Trento (september) and Public Domain Festival in Torino (november). Also, the participation of WMI at Convegno delle Stelline in Milano was very important to get in touch with Italian librarians: 17 people registered as WMI members during the two-day conference and 60 people signed up to the associations' newsletter.

Lastly, during the year 2016 the volunteers' activity on Wikisource continued. Besides organizing various educational and training events, an important goal was reached on december 6th with the presentation of the manuscript The city of the sun by Tommaso Campanella, digitalized and uploaded on Wikisource by the Municipal Library of Trento.

GLAM - Museums

In 2015, the activities with museums still represented an unexplored ground for our Association. However, the agreements adopted in 2015 with ICOM [3] and Museimpresa made possible to reach interesting results in terms of communication and prepare the ground for various Wikipedians in residence projects. 2016 was a year of consolidation towards this direction.

Indeed, the activities of the Wikipedians in Residence, initally programmed for 2015, were officially launched in 2016 with 4 Museums selected through ICOM and Museimpresa channels: the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci of Milano, the MUSE - Museum of Sciences of Trento, Fondazione Mansutti of Milano and Museo Galileo - Institute and Museum of the History of Science of Firenze, with whom Wikimedia Italia already started a dialogue since 2014.

Also the editathons - the writing marathons on Wikipedia focused on a specific topic and held in a specific institution - received increasing attention in 2016. This activity is very interesting for museums beacause on one hand it allows to gain visibility on the Wikimedia projects and on the other hand it represents a new way to make your collection accessible. In 2016, the Association promoted for the second time the Europeana Fashion Editathon, organized a writing marathon in april in Trento at the MUSE, as part of Wikipedian in Residenza project activated within the institution, and in july promoted another editathon at the festival of museums in the Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.

It is also worth mentioning the participation in Wikimuseums, the training event for museum operators and students organized by the Campania Museum Council and BAM! Cultural strategies, in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia, Open Cultuur Data and Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The event took place on the 5th and 6th of May at Villa Pignatelli in Napoli.

On the archives side, one important project developed in 2016 by the Association was Culture in movement in collaboration with Micheletti Foundation in Brescia. The project started in march with a press conference that involved the WMI President Lorenzo Losa, followed by a training course for the Foundation staff. The course was repeated in the month of June.

Finally, it is important to highlight the participation of the Association in the Seventh National Convention of Small Museums in Monselice, a strategic occasion to get in touch with small museums. Also, thanks to Andrea Zanni in 2016 WMI started an interesting dialogue with big institutions, that started by sending a letter to the 20 directors of the major Italian museums explaining the potential of collaborating through the Wikimedia projects. Thanks to this initiative, Andrea Zanni met the Director of the Uffizi Eike Schmidt in Florence: the meeting led to an editathon at the Uffizi Galleries in January 2017.

Educational programme

The goal for the educational progamme in 2016 was making Wikimedia Italia recognizable as an important partner for schools and universities at national level. In order to reach this objective, at the end of 2015, WMI created the role of regional and thematic coordinators, with the aim of strengthen the presence of active volunteers on the national territory in the educational field.

Courses and projects in schools and universities

Several courses were held in 2016 in junior and senior high schools, in some cases within the school-work alternation framework introduced in 2015 by the DDL "La Buona Scuola". In addition to these, other courses were held in Lombardia by Dario Crespi as part of the project "Wikimania Esino Lario", involving approximately 1300 students and 230 teachers.

Overall, in 2016 WMI promoted 54 educational projects (5 in junior high schools, 26 in senior high schools and 23 in universities) in 11 Italian regions that involved about 2380 students and teachers who participated in various activities, from frontal presentations to workshops. The projects led to the registration of 280 new users on Wikimedia projects.

A project worth mentioning on the high school side is the one delevoped at Liceo Maffei in Verona that represented the first "school-work alternation" experiment conducted by WMI. Several members of Wikimedia Italia were involved, two of which internal to the institute itself (teacher and student).

In the university field, a project of particular relevance is WikiTim, that in 2016 involved several students from the University of Urbino and Politecnico Milano, in its branches in Milano, Como and Lecco.

Lastly, in 2016 was held the first interregional coordinators' meeting organised in may in Verona by the regional coordinator for Veneto in the educational field Marco Chemello, which was attended by the WMI coordinators from Veneto, Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Toscana and Lazio, but also by other WMI members and teachers who wanted to develop new activities based on Wikimedia projects into their schools.

Charity SMS

In 2015, also thanks to the fundings received from Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Italia had the opportunity to organize a charity SMS campaign aimed on one hand at increasing the interest and awareness on the Associations' mission from the general public and on the other hand at raising funds to support projects in the educational field. The campaign involved all the mobile companies operating in Italy; also, a 30-seconds commercial was realized to support the campaign and broadcasted on the associations' website and on two major national TV networks (Sky and La7) from 10 to 24 July. The entire investment for the video and the campaign's production was financed entirely in 2016. Although this activity allowed Wikimedia Italia to reach a larger audience through the TV commercial, fundraising did not fully met the initial expectations.


From the beginning of 2016, thanks to the ex-WMI Vice President Simone Cortesi, Wikimedia Italia was recognised as the italian chapter of OSM Foundation and OpenStreetMap officially became part of the projects promoted by the Association.

One of the first effects of this formal recognition was a semplification of the relationships between the OSM community and some institutional interlocutors such as the italian public administration.

A dedicated OpenStreetMap project manager was hired in 2015 but, due to his unavailability, he was replaced in september with another person: that determined some delays in the project development.

In first place, the Association organized a massive mailing campaign in order to promote the project towards italian public administrations, schools, universities, freelance profesisonals such as surveyors and architects and civil protection. Schools and civil protection responded in a positive way to the campaign, so WMI was able to promote a 44-hours course in a junior high school in Brugherio and a course in a senior high school in Vicenza. Also, two courses with civil protections were organized, inolving 20 participants on the whole.

In 2016, 21 events and training sessions involving OSM members and volunteers were organized by the Association, reaching on the whole 613 participants and 14 new OSM contributors in different cities in Northern and Southern Italy: Milano, Cagliari, Trento, Vicenza, Taranto, Catania, Genova, etc. The event that registered the bigger participation was the 2016 edition of OSMit, the annual conference of the OSM Italian users, held in Milan in may 2016: more than 93 people took part in the event and 15 participated at the mapping party. OSMit brought new impulse in the relationship with Italian public administrations that brought WMI to organize various "not programmed" events such as Archeofoss in Cagliari and Mappalonga in Genova. Also, WMI partecipated with OSM presentations and mapping parties to events like Wikichnusa in Cagliari, BAM! in Napoli and MappiaM in Rome.

During the year, some contacts with regional administrations interested at collaborating were carried on: an agreement with Molise was signed and the dialogue with Liguria and Emilia Romagna continued.

Also, it is worth mentioning the work done on addresses, that represents very useful data for public administrations: the data collected more than doubled, passing from 970.099 on December 4th 2015 to 1.957.503 to March 3rd 2017.

Finally, the agreement signed with CAI [4] is particularly significant and opens the path for future collaborations on the mapping activity of the italian mountain routes.

Wiki Loves Monuments

Wiki Loves Monuments is the leading initiative for Wikimedia Italia both in terms of media visibility and dialogue with national institutions. In fact, the competition has a dual purpose: on one hand it is aimed at enhancing the Italian cultural heritage by sharing on Wikimedia Commons free licensed pictures of monuments (even the less famous ones), on the other hand the contest has the objective to promote a positive dialogue with the institutions in order to overcome the restrictions imposed by Italian law on the publication on the web of free licensed images of monuments.

The numbers

The 2016 edition of the competition registered a great success in terms of participation and shared contents:

  • 978 photographers published a total of 20.573 images (+ 61,84% compared to the previous edition) making available to everyone the images of 6.033 Italian monuments (+ 16,74% from 2015, when they were 5.168), that represents the beauties of the national cultural heritage;
  • 569 institutions (municipalities, associations, etc.) collaborated with Wikimedia Italia in promoting the contest by providing the authorizations for the reproduction of monuments;
  • in September, thank to the support of the municipalities, associations and local authorities and with the help of numerous passionate volunteers 51 wikigite (photo tours) were organized in 13 Italian regions'

Image's quality

For the second consecutive year, one of the photographs of Wiki Loves Monuments has conquered a preminent position in the global ranking of the contest. The picture "Luci al tramonto" by Lara Zanarini - sixth classified in Italy - gained the fourth position in the world ranking, confirming the success and the international recognition of the quality of the images proposed by Italian photographers.

Sponsors, partners and awards

The network of sponsors and partners of WLM in Italy became wider and stronger: while Euronics Italia e Canon Italia confirmed their support for the 2016 edition as principal sponsor of the competion,Enegan Luce e Gas - supplier of energy from renewable sources - joined the initiative as sponsor for the first year.
The network of partners also expanded: BASE Milano, WWF Italia and Fondazione Gran Paradiso joinedFIAF, ICOM Italia, Toscana Foto Festival, Touring Club Italiano and Bandiere Arancioni, Comune di Massa Marittima, APT Emilia Romagna and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism for Emilia Romagna and the media partner Archeomatica.

The support of the sponsors and partners consisted not only in giving visibility to the initiative through their media channels but also in promoting 7 special awards for the participants:

  • Special award Euronics-Canon
  • Special award FIAF
  • Special award ICOM
  • Special award Gran Paradiso
  • Special award Enegan Luce e Gas
  • Special award BASE Milano
  • Special award WWF Italia

Also, several local team were involved in the organisation of 7 local Wiki Loves Monuments contests:

  • the monumenti stellati (exceptional monuments) of Emilia-Romagna
  • Wiki Loves Piemonte (#WLPiemonte), with a special mention was attributed to the best photograph of Guardia Piemontese, a town in Calabria in the province of Cosenza founded by Piemonte emigrants;
  • Wiki Loves Lombardia, an evolution of the historic award dedicated to Busto Arsizio, which this year extended to the entire region;
  • Wiki Loves Tirreno Cosentino (#WLTC);
  • Wiki Loves Trentino (#WLTrentino), one of the 2016 news, which calls all the enthusiastic photographers of the autonomous province of Trento;
  • Wiki Loves Basilicata;
  • Wiki Loves Toscana.

The events connected to WLM 2016

In 2016, an exhibition of the winning images of Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 touched many cities in Italy. The exhibition previewed on the occasion of the Christmas concert promoted by WMI in December 2015 and then was hosted in Toscana, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna, Trentino, Lombardia and Sicilia.

Many preminent locations hosted the exhibition, including the Modena Photography Foundation - at the presence of the famous photographer Franco Fontana, who participated in the inauguration - and the Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milano. The photographs were also exposed atTaobuk, the VI edition of the International Festival of the book of Taormina.

During Wikimania Esino Lario, Wikimedia Italia promoted the conference GLAM and cultural heritage in Italy - free culture and Wikipedia”', in Varenna (Villa Monastero). The conference was addressing the issue of the free use of the cultural heritage images, trying to reflect on the limits imposed by Italian law. The directors of important museums and archives in Italy, Francesco Giovanni Albisinni (Vice Chief of the Legislative office of MiBACT[5]), Veronica Tentori (member of Italian Parliament) and Juliet Barbara (Communication Manager of Wikimedia Foundation) took part in the event.

On September 6th WMI organized a press conference to launch the contest in BASE Milano, the new headquarter of the Association. The representatives of Wikimedia Italia, Enegan Luce&Gas, Euronics, Canon and BASE Milano partecipated in the event. On this occasion, some of the winner photos of the 2015 contest were exposed.

Finally, Cristian Cenci, Wiki Loves Monuments project manager for Wikimedia Italia, participated in a series of events to present the competition including OpenDataSicilia 2016, Pubblic domain #OpenFestival in Torino and Gorizia.

Institutional meetings with the Minister

In 2016 Wikimedia Italia met representatives of the MiBACT in order to continue the activity of sensitization on the need to modify the Urban Code and the Art Bonus. Two important meetings were held: 'the meeting with Minister Franceschini' (February 2016); 'meeting with the Legal Department of the Ministry for the drafting of the expected interpretative rule' (April 2016); 'meeting with the vice Chief of the Legislative Office of the Ministry and with Veronica Tentori' , on the occasion of the conference "GLAM and cultural heritage in Italy - Free culture at the time of Wikipedia".


The previous idea, contained in the strategic plan 2014-2016, was to create a 'greater sense of cohesion and of belonging within the Association' , making the volunteers more responsible for the association's mission and encouraging them to become active. A first important result was the creation of the role of 'Regional Coordinator' in 2015. 15 volounteers coordinators (8 regionals, 7 thematics) were appointed to organise the volounteers in terms of geographical distribution and of the project's involvement.

During 2016, training moments were organised and directed by a coach to support new coordinators. Two different meetings were held, inRoma, february, and the other in Bologna in april, whose focus was to questions such as the management of Team Building (in Roma) and the assertive communication (in Bologna). Due to the geographicaal distribution of our volounteers on the whole national territory or lack of interest by some of them, not all the volounteers participated in these moments. Moreover, in some educational peer to peer sessions the main objective was to grow the knowledge of Wikimedia's projects to our volounteers to encourage the members of the Association to become active.

In the spring 2016 a process of strategic planning started with the involvement of a great number of members, above all coordinators, who helped the Executive and the Manager in the definition of the strategic objectives of the Association for the 2017-19 triennium. The process started with individual calls to coordinators and to some members and with ajob day of 11th june to define the plan, adopted by the second annual Assembly in Trento of 10th december. This job day was followed by Call's group about specific themes in which various Project Managers participated and from which some guided lines emerged. Thanks to these suggestions, the basis for the definition of the activities and objections of the triennium was established. These moments of discussion were also very important to understand the status of the Association and the weaknesses of past experiences to improve future ones.

Moreover, coordinators and members continued to conduct a communication activity and the recruitment of new volounteers and members organising six wiki-drinks. We can also mention the first devolopment of local groups: the group in Bologna, which brought to the realisation of three informative stands called the Wikipedians answer at the Salaborsa library in Bologna, addressing to curious and passionate people not only of the Wikimedia movement.

The experience was very positive in terms of enthusiasm and activities carried out by the coordinators. Overall, at the beginning of 2016 and throughout 2016 the geographical distribution of volunteers and active members for the Association remained uneven throughout the national territory and for this reason, at the end of 2016 it was decided to strengthen the coordinators model by opening new positions and with the appointment of 32 coordinators for the 2017 (17 more with respect to the previous year). Lastly, on the occasion of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016, 12 scholarships for volounteers and contributors to Wikimedia's projects were made available.

Italian Wikipedia

In this area the main objective is to "improve the quality of Wikipedia articles and to involve new users", with particular attention to women. Moreover, to help find a solution to the well-known problem of user retention , the goal is to be able to create an adequate support structure, which remains an action not defined yet. An action that has taken the form of other projects concerns GLAM/Wir, with a major impact to the Italian Wikipedia.

Particular attention was given to gender gap's theme also in 2016. On the 8th March, the International Women's Day, Susanna Giaccai amd Manuela Musco organised a Wikihackathon to write bibiographical voices about women. It can be noticed the importance of the event held in Rome 100 women versus the stereotypes, promoted by the European Commission, with the participation of Camelia Boban. Very fruitful the collaboration with the group Female Toponymy, leading to the realisation of two courses at the University of Roma 3 dedicated to the language and the partecipation to the editathon HerStory of the ONU, where 27 people wrote around 17 voices. In the end of 2016, some projects were organised: the Italian version of the edithaton BBC 100 Women, at the International House of Women of Roma and two editathon online in collaboration with WikiWomen, within the global project Women in Red: aeronautical and citronella women.
Regarding the involvement and recruitment of new and active users, an interesting initiative was The Wikipediano answers, for which we refer to the voulounteers section.

The activities in this field continued on the quality of content with the help of '5 university students ' that Wikimedia Italia hosted in its office during 2016:' Pasquale, Manuel, Manuel S., Camilla and Esther ', who worked on voices of interest to them or in preparation for their studies. In particular, Pasquale worked in the Infobox section of Wikipedia as a practical part of his final thesis and participated in Wikimania Esino Lario winning one of the scholarships made available by the Association. Then Pasquale continued his experience at Wikimedia Italia until December 31 with an extra-curricular internship, after which he was reconfirmed with a collaboration agreement for the year 2017.

The improvement of Wikipedia's voices and the creation of new ones were at the centre of many editathons of 2016. Among various events, we remember the 23 May in Rimini, the second edition of Europeana Fashion Editathon, and the 11th november with a writing marathon dedicated to Giuseppe Verdi in Roma.

As regards the 'OTRS service' , a ticket service through which the community meets the needs of contributors, it should be noted that the amount of emails, the delicacy and the technical and legal content of some requests had made less fluid the service, causing delays. In relation to this, on the 12 of March, the lawyer Marco Ciurcina held an educational online day to which 6 operators participated. The sessions have also been recorded for the purpose of archiving them. This webinar focused on topics such as copyright, Creative Commons licenses and the right to be forgotten. The training and work of the volunteers who have joined, allowed to manage and close many emails at the bottom, making the process thinner to this date.

As already mentioned in the volounteers section, Wikimedia Italia introduced peer-to-peer tutored on specific questions: last December, the staff and a volunteer member took part in introductory sessions on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. A more conscious knowledge of the functioning of Wikipedia and of the Wikimedia projects and of the movement's "mission" have been at the center of "numerous" general interventions and presentations " involving the President, the Director, members of the Board and members in schools and institutions. We remember the intervention of Lorenzo Losa during the meeting members' of ICOM Italia of the 10 october, on the occasion of Meet Me Tonight event at the Museum of Science in Milan with the speech "Digitizing the culture", in the Varenna conference of Wikimania Esino Lario, the 22 of june, and a lectio magistralis on Wikimedia in EAGLE e IDEA: the future of digital epigraphy of 28 september. There were various events promoted by volunteers in various cities of Italy: a couple of isolated events have been gradually added more and more until you get to 15. These events were a first touchstone test of the domino effect that can be created by enthusiasm and the commitment of the coordinators, besides the six wiki-drinks to promote Wikimedia's projects and the 12 scholarships of Wikimania Esino Lario 2016.

External Communication

The external communication activities of Wikimedia Italia for the year 2016 were conceived with the aim of 'growing awareness of the mission and the projects carried out by WMI' 'with and for people, cultural and educational institutions in Italy, the mass media, the general public, potential new partners, members and donors and civil society.

Communication instruments

Following the creation of the new 'institutional website' in 2015, we wanted to consolidate the instrument ' making publication of articles more frequent and, in parallel,' intensifying the activity on social network '(Facebook and Twitter), with the aim of highlighting the various projects and activities conducted by Wikimedia Italia. In the 2016, the follower's numbers on Twitter was stabilized at more than 12,000 contacts as a result of the promotional activity carried out in 2015, while the interactions (on their own tweets) amounted to 7909.8. Even the number of likes on Facebook pages has grown, both for Wikimedia Italia and Wiki Loves Monuments: for WMI the data goes from 1.758 of 2015 to 4.656 (+ 164%) and for WLM it increases from 2.522 to 5.246 (+ 108%). Indeed, the job continued to create a coordinated image: during the year various ad hoc communication materials were created (brochures, infographics, etc.) thanks to the support of a specialized graphic studio. A further communication instrument used by the Association in 2016 was the video realised in occasion of the supportive message campaign, to raise awareness of the activities conducted with schools. In particular, the communication agency that created the spot, as a donation, has created a version of the same video for the 5 × 1000 fundraising campaign.

Relationship with press

With the aim of strengthening relations with the media and monitoring press releases, the Association renewed its' 'subscription to the press service Eco della stampa and activated a subscription to the Mediaddress platform' , an online database of press contacts organized by reference area and topic. Wiki Loves Monuments reconfirms the project that most attracts media attention: indeed, on a total of 433 press cuttings' intercepted in 2016, '337 concerns WLM' (277 of which refer to a reference to Wikimedia Italia as the promoter of the initiative). A press conference at BASE Milano on the 6th September was held to launch the 2016 edition of the event. Among other 'events that have received good feedback from the media' we mention the press conferences related to the project #WikiTIM at Urbino University (18th may) and the Politecnico of Milano (14th december), which recorded a great number of releases on the national and local newspapers. Also the activity ofMarco Chemello, Wikipedian in Residence at BEIC and Museum of Science, had seen the coverage of various interviews on Repubblica, La Stampa and Corriere della Sera.


During the year the Association promoted several events with the aim of involving and strengthening the community in Italy. Among these, the highlighted event is “Wikipedia, free maps and museums”: a 2-days (20 and 21 of may) dedicated to free culture with the national gathering of the Italian OpenStreetMap community, an editathon at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milano and a mapping party. The event also coincided with the inauguration of the new 'headquarters of Wikimedia Italia at BASE Milano' , the new center in the Tortona area in the former Ansaldo areas. The decision to place the Italian headquarters in an important center for culture and innovation in the digital field is motivated by the intention to strategically position itself as referents for the themes of free culture both towards the city and national institutions. 2016 was also the year of Wikimania, the international gathering of the Wikimedian community, for which its 12th edition took place in Italy, in Esino Lario (Lecco), from 21 to 28 June. Wikimedia Italia supported the communication initiative, promoting it in the field of public events; among the others, the conference “GLAM and cultural heritage in Italy - Free culture at the time of Wikipedia”, at Villa Monastero of Varenna, which saw the involvement of representatives of Deputy Chamber and the Ministry of Cultural Activity and Tourism. Moreover, the Association has given visibility to the event through the main communication channels (newsletter, website, social, etc.) and provided support to the press office activity.


Nel 2016 si è cercato di rafforzare e strutturare le attività di fundraising. In particolare, le azioni chiave hanno riguardato il miglioramento dell'interazione con soci e donatori attraverso l'aggiornamento delle pagine web e del database. Al fine di migliorare l'efficacia delle comunicazioni dell'Associazione sono state create tre landing page dedicate a singole campagne: 5×1000; sms solidale; campagne donazioni generiche.

Anche nel 2016, la campagna che ha assorbito la gran parte delle energie delle attività di fundraising è stata quella per la raccolta del 5×1000. Oltre all’invio di email agli studi di commercialisti e C.A.A.F. (circa 28.000 contatti), e a tutti i contatti presenti nel database dell'Associazione, sono state distribuite nelle case di 20.000 famiglie milanesi delle cartoline informative. La creatività di queste cartoline è stata offerta, a titolo di donazione, da parte di un'agenzia di comunicazione. In aggiunta, è stata attivata una campagna AdWords e Wikimedia Foundation ha supportato la comunicazione inviando una email ai suoi donatori residenti in Italia e concedendo la possibilità di pubblicare il banner del central notice per due settimane (14-18 maggio).

Le altre campagne di raccolta fondi sono state costruite attorno ai progetti nelle scuole. Nel mese di luglio, in concomitanza con la campagna di sms solidale, sono state inviate comunicazioni via email con invito a donare; nel mese di dicembre sono state spedite due email sempre sul tema dei progetti nelle scuole.

  1. Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, the national association for Italian libraries
  2. Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura, European Library for Information and Culture
  3. International Council of Museums
  4. Club Alpino Italiano, Italian Alpine Club
  5. the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism