Bilancio consuntivo 2012/en

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< Bilancio consuntivo 2012
Versione del 6 mar 2013 alle 21:22 di (nome utente rimosso) (oggetto della modifica nascosto)
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This is an English translation of Bilancio consuntivo 2012 Flag of Italy.svg,
it may be not updated or may be different from the original


I. Incomes

€ 92.442,63

1. Institutional area incomes

€ 56.030,92

1.1. Membership fees [1]

€ 6.770,00

1.2. Donations

€ 45.686,22

1.3. Spontaneous direct donations during live events [2]

€ 260,00

1.4. Fees for institutional activities [3]

€ 3.314,70

2. Collateral area incomes

€ 36.411,71

2.1. Sponsorships [4]

€ 36.300,00

2.2. Bank interest

€ 20,71

2.3. Sales gadgets

€ 91,00

II. Expenditures

-€ 149.657,56

3. Institutional area expenditures

-€ 132.885,71

3.1. Promotional material

-€ 6.675,44

3.1.1 Advertising campaign 5x1000

-€ 1.001,81

3.1.2 Wikiquote Videoguide

-€ 3.900,99

3.1.3. Gadgets and advertising WLM

-€ 1.460,64

3.1.4. Writing texts

-€ 312,00

3.2 Organization of events

-€ 18.226,55

3.2.1 Assemblies of Padua and Pisa

-€ 1.205,10

3.2.2 Contribution organization Wikimedia Conference 2012

-€ 1.500,00

3.2.3 Meetings Group Fundrising Milan and Vicenza

-€ 91,00

3.2.4. Organization final day and awards WLM 2012

-€ 2.162,67

3.2.5. Authors in Wikipedia [5]

-€ 2.195,00

3.2.6. Archeowiki [6]

-€ 2.000,00

3.2.7. Wikimania 2012 Scolarships

-€ 9.072,68

3.3. Refund of expenses

-€ 14.730,66

3.3.1. Refund of expenses to members

-€ 12.767,18

3.3.2. Refund of expenses to employees and collaborators

-€ 1.963,48

3.4. General expenses

-€ 61.755,65

3.4.1. Stationery and consumables

-€ 3.028,24

3.4.2. Membership cards

-€ 642,90

3.4.3. Bank and postal accounts [7]

-€ 1.666,33

3.4.4. Web domains maintenance and purchase & software update

-€ 9,085,85

3.4.5. Professional services costs

-€ 23.053,72 Accountant bookkeeping

-€ 600,00 Legal expenses and consultancy services

-€ 5.592,00 Labour consultant

-€ 573,98 Fundrising consultant

-€ 13,960,79 Press WLM

-€ 2.326,95

3.4.6. Office Management Monza

-€ 20.778,78 Rental fee

-€ 6.210,00 Furnishing and fittings [8]

-€ 10.266,16 Deposit and mediation

-€ 2.636,54 Utilities and services [9]

-€ 1.421,08 Obligatory insurance [10]

-€ 250,00

3.5. Staff salaries

- € 31.138,21

3.5.1. Secretariat

-€ 12.219,92

3.5.2. Project Manager WLM

-€ 15.918,29

3.5.3. intern fundrising

-€ 3.000,00

3.6. Donations and other non-profit entities

- € 992,00

4. Area ancillary charges

-€ 16.771,85

4.1. Taxes and contributions

-€ 16.771,85

4.1.1. Withholding tax

-€ 6.989,33

4.1.2. Social security

-€ 5.348,00

4.1.3. Withholding tax ?

-€ 2.546,45

4.1.4. VAT

-€ 1.507,33

4.1.5. INAIL

-€ 122,42

4.1.6. Regional tax

-€ 258,32

III. Operating result

Operating losses

- € 57.214,93

Operating surplus in previous years

€ 172.627,73

Fluid assets

€ 115.412,80


  1. 186 members have not renewed to 31-12-2012 the fee of 2012, for a total of € 4650. The total number of members in good standing with the quota for 2012 was 285
  2. Gadgets in assembly
  3. Project "Crescere che avventura!"
  4. For Wiki Loves Monuments, inclusive of VAT
  5. Awards and prints certificates
  6. Advance co-financing G.A.Am.
  7. Including PayPal
  8. Includes: purchase office equipment, repainting, accommodation electrical system, security door, etc..
  9. Bills gas, electricity, telephony and office cleaning
  10. Property insurance: fire, explosion, etc..