Wikimania 2015/Education I

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Experiences of teachers on school wikipedia lessons, few of them present on during this meeting. Many of these classes has taken place in Tecnologico of Monterrey.

Some lesson to create new content other for translation.

An example is WikiBorregos 2013

WikiBorregos 2013

Tec de Monterrey edit-a-thon "Experencias retadoras" was an example of program that has taken plase in a campus with 200 students. In September this experience will be redone but with less students (~70) to be more effective.

Both university and high school are target of these kind of ativities.

A representative of a local library explained that her support was mainly for logistic purpose, in order fo provide the place where the students can meet for this classes, researches, etc.

Challenges Arising in Practice

  • Challenge for the institution as well as for the teaches and students.
  • Support of the institution is crucial to expand the scope of the project.
  • Coordination among different levels (management, the library, etc.)

Questions & Answers

  • Q: Which is the role of the Library?
  • A: 1) Awarness within authorities 2) Logistic & tutoring of both students & professors
  • Q: Are you working with both public and private schools?
  • A: Right now, maily with Tec of Monterrey
  • Q: Can this model be applied with other university, possibly to the whole Mexico?
  • A: Theoretically yes, but WMMX is not well recognize locally and is difficult to expand at the moment.