Bilancio consuntivo 2021/en

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The financial statement for 2021 was approved by the GA held on 25th June 2022. The financial statement for 2021 and the accompanying notes have been signed by the Chairman and the Treasurer.

Balance Sheet

A) Membership fees or contributions to be received    -
B) Fixed assets
I - Intangible assets
1) start-up and capital costs -
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
2) R&D costs -
Costs -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
3) patent rights and similar rights 10.338 €
Cost 10.338 €
10-23-000050 SOFTWARE 10.337,51 €
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
4) licenses trade marks and similar rights -
Cost -
Contributions -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
5) goodwill
Costo -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
6) assets under construction
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Write downs (Fund) -
7) other
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
Total intangible assets 10.338 €
II - Tangible assets -
1) land and buildings
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
2) plant and machinery -
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
3) industrial and commercial equipment -
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) -
Write downs (Fund) -
4) other 723 €
Cost 1.033 €
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Amortisation (Fund) 310 €
Write downs (Fund) -
5) assets under development and payments on account -
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Write downs (Fund) -
Total tangible assets 723 €
III - Financial fixed assets
1) holdings in
a) subsidiaries -
  Cost -
  Contributions -
  Revaluation -
  Write downs (Fund) -
b) associated companies -
  Cost -
  Contributions -
  Revaluation -
  Write downs (Fund) -
c) other companies -
  Cost -
  Contributions -
  Revaluation -
  Write downs (Fund) -
Total holdings -
2) Receivables
a) receivables from subsidiary companies -
  Due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total receivables from subsidiary companies -
b) receivables from associated companies -
  Due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total receivables from associated companies -
c) receivables from other non profit organizations -
  Due within one year -
  Due after one year -
    Total receivables from other non profit organizations -
d) other -
  Due within one year -
  Due after one year -
    Total receivables from other -
      Total receivables -
3) Other securities
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Write downs (Fund) -
Financial instruments and derivatives
Cost -
Contributions -
Revaluation -
Write downs (Fund) -
Financial assets -
Total assets 11.061 €
C) Working capital (current assets)
I - Inventory
1) raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies -
2) in progress and semi-finished inventory -
3) work in progress -
4) finished products and goods -
5) payments on account -
Total inventory -
II - Receivables
1) trade receivables
due within one year 11.517 €
14-10 CLIENTI ITALIA 1.582,66 €
18-50-00005 FATTURE DA EMETTERE 9.426,23 €
20-10 FORNITORI ITALIA 508,34 €
due after one year -
    Total trade receivables 11.517 €
2) receivables from founders and members
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from founders and members -
3) receivables from public bodies
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from public bodies -
4) receivables from private persons for contributions
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from private persons for contributions -
5) receivables from organizations of the same network
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from organizations of the same network -
6) receivables from non profit organizations
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from non profit organizations -
7) receivables from subsidiary companies
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from subsidiary companies -
8) receivables from associated companies
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from associated companies -
9) receivables from tax authorities
due within one year 1.903 €
18-80-000990 CREDITI VERSO ERARIO BONUS DL 3/2020 1.903,28 €
due after one year -
    Total receivables from tax authorities 1.903 €
10) receivables from 5 per mille
due within one year -
due after one year -
    Total receivables from 5 per mille -
11) tax advances -
12) other
due within one year 1.336 €
18-90-000350 DEPOSITI CAUZIONALI 1.250,00 €
48-70-000100 INAIL 86,12 €
due after one year -
    Total other receivables 1.336 €
Totale receivables 14.756 €
III - Financial assets not of a fixed nature
1) investments in subsidiary companies -
2) investments in associated companies -
3) other 2.526 €
Strumenti finanziari derivati attivi -
Totale attività finanziarie che non costituiscono immobilizzazioni 2.526 €
IV - Liquid funds
1) bank and postal accounts 1.772.218 €
22-05-000100 BANCA PROSSIMA 145960 1.621.683,63 €
22-05-000101 BANCOPOSTA WMI 21.135,02 €
22-05-000521 PAYPAL WMI 60.826,51 €
22-05-000522 PAYPAL NO PROFIT 4.834,27 €
22-05-000527 BANCA PROSSIMA 146060 63.739,00 €
2) cheques -
3) cash-in-hand and cash equivalents -960 €
22-20-000050 CASSA CONTANTE 160,51 €
22-20-000201 CARTA PREPAGATA AROSIO MARTA 808,55 €
22-20-000203 CARTA DI CREDITO INTESA SANPAOLO -2.318,54 €
Total liquid funds 1.771.258 €
Total working capital (C) 1.788.540 €
D) prepayments and accrued income -
Totale assets 1.799.601 €
A) Net equity
I - Endowment fund 100.000 €
32-20-000400 FONDO DI GESTIONE 70.000,00 €
32-20-000450 FONDO DI GARANZIA 30.000,00 €
II - Tied assets:
1) Statutory reserves -
2) Tied reserves as per board decision 275.500 €
3) Tied reserves as per third party's decision -
  Total tied assets 275.500 €
III - Free assets:
1) Surplus funds 1.381.939 €
32-30-000050 UTILI ESERCIZI PRECEDENTI 1.381.939,10 €
2) Other reserves - 1 €
  a) Other reserves -
  b) Rounding - 1 €
  Total free assets 1.381.938 €
Reserve for hedging expected cash flow operations -
IV - Deficit/surplus -81.329 €
Total net equity 1.676.109 €
B) Provisions for contingencies and charges
1) for retirement allowance and similar -
2) tax provision -
3) other -
Financial derivative liabilities -
Total provisions for contingencies and charges -
C) Employee severance indemnity 33.011 €
35-35-000900 FONDO ACCANTONAMENTO TFR 33.010,61 €
D) Payables
1) amounts due to banks
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total payables due to banks -
2) amounts due to other financial institutions
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts due to other financial institutions -
3) amounts due to members or founders for financial activities
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts due to members or founders for financial activities -
4) amounts due to organizations of the same network
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts due to organizations of the same network -
5) amounts due to restricted donations
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts due to restricted donations -
6) payments on account
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total payments on account -
7) amounts payable to suppliers
  due within one year 27.003 €
20-10 FORNITORI ITALIA 6.947,06 €
46-10-000250 FATTURE DA RICEVERE 13.465,70 €
46-10-000300 COLLABORAZIONI DA RICEVERE 5.450,00 €
46-10-000350 NOTE SPESE DA RICEVERE 1.140,61 €
  due after one year -
    Total amounts payable to suppliers 27.003 €
8) amounts payable to subsidiaries and associated companies
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts payable to subsidiaries and associated companies -
9) amounts payable to tax authorities
  due within one year 15.247 €
48-55-000050 ERARIO C/ RITENUTE DIPENDENTI 9.481,70 €
48-55-000400 ERARIO C/ IVA 1.925,00 €
48-55-000800 DEBITI TRIBUTARI 1.383,00 €
  due after one year -
    Total amounts payable to tax authorities 15.247 €
10) amounts payable to social security institutions
  due within one year 9.855 €
48-70-000050 INPS 9.855,00 €
  due after one year -
    Total amounts payable to social security institutions 9.855 €
11) amounts payable to employees
  due within one year -
  due after one year -
    Total amounts payable to employees -
12) other
  due within one year 38.376 €
48-75-000200 DIPENDENTI C/ONERI DIFFERITI 20.920,90 €
  due after one year -
    Total other payables 38.376 €
Total payables 90.481 €
E) prepayments and accrued income -
Total liabilities 1.799.601 €

Income statement

A) Charges and expenses for activities of general interest
1) Raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies 16.253 €
2) Services 480.613 €
3) Use of third party assets 15.488 €
4) Cost of personnel 274.469 €
5) Amortisation (depreciation) 3.652 €
Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets -
6) Provision for contingencies -
7) Other 21.947 €
a) Other operating costs 21.947 €
b) Rounding -
8) Initial inventory -
Total charges and expenses for activities of general interest 812.422 €
B) charges and expenses for other activities
1) Raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies -
2) Services -
3) Use of third party assets -
4) Cost of personnel -
5) Amortisation (depreciation) -
Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets -
6) Provision for contingencies -
7) Other -
8) Initial inventory -
Total charges and expenses for other activities -
C) Charges and expenses for fundraising activity
1) Expenses for regular fundraising activities -
2) Expenses for one-time fundraising activities -
3) Other expenses -
Total charges and expenses for fundraising activity -
D) Charges and expenses for financial activities
1) On bank accounts -
2) On loans -
3) On buildings -
4) On other assets -
5) Provision for contingencies -
6) Other expenses -
Total charges and expenses for financial activities -
E) charges and expenses for general support
1) Raw and auxiliary materials, consumables and supplies -
2) Services -
3) Use of third party assets -
4) Cost of personnel -
5) Amortisation (depreciation) -
Depreciation of tangible and intangible assets -
6) Provision for contingencies -
7) Other -
Total charges and expenses for general support -
Total charges and expenses 812.422 €
Revenues and income
A) Revenues and income from activities of general interest
1) Income from membership fees 8.831 €
2) Income from members -
3) Incame from sales or services to members and founders -
4) Donations 47.958 €
5) Income from 5 per mille 630.861 €
6) Contributions from private parties 9.274 €
7) Revenues from sales and services 41.309 €
8) Contributions from public bodies -
9) Revenues from contract with public bodies -
10) Other revenues and income 5.308 €
a) Other revenues and income 5.307 €
b) Rounding 1 €
11) Final inventory -
Total revenues and income from activities of general interest 743.541 €
Surplus/Deficit from activities of general interest (+/-) -68.881 €
B) revenues and income from other activities
1) Income from sales or services to members and founders -
2) Contributions from private parties -
3) Revenues from sales and services -
4) Contributions from public bodies -
5) Revenues from contract with public bodies -
6) Other income and revenues -
7) Final inventory -
Total revenues and income from other activities -
Surplus/deficit other activities (+/-) -
C) Ricavi, rendite e proventi da attività di raccolta fondi
1) Proventi da raccolte fondi abituali -
2) Proventi da raccolte fondi occasionali -
3) Altri proventi -
Totale ricavi, rendite e proventi da attività di raccolta fondi -
Avanzo/disavanzo attività diverse (+/-) -
D) Ricavi, rendite e proventi da attività finanziarie e patrimoniali
1) Da rapporti bancari -
2) Da altri investimenti finanziari -
3) Da patrimonio edilizio -
4) Da altri beni patrimoniali -
5) Altri proventi -
Totale ricavi, rendite e proventi da attività finanziarie e patrimoniali -
Avanzo/disavanzo attività finanziarie e patrimoniali (+/-) -
E) Proventi di supporto generale
1) Proventi da distacco del personale -
2) Altri proventi di supporto generale -
Totale proventi di supporto generale -
Totale proventi e ricavi 743.541 €
Avanzo/disavanzo d’esercizio prima delle imposte (+/-) -68.881 €
Imposte 12.448 €
Avanzo/disavanzo d’esercizio (+/-) -81.329 €

Costi e proventi figurativi
Costi figurativi
1) da attività di interesse generale    -
2) da attività diverse -
Totale costi figurativi -
Costi e proventi figurativi
Proventi figurativi
1) da attività di interesse generale    -
2) da attività diverse -
Totale proventi figurativi -

Relazione di missione

  • Relazione di missione

Relazione dell'organo di controllo

  • Relazione dell'organo di controllo