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Riga 1: Riga 1:
= Wikimedia News n. 76, May 15th, 2014 =
{{WMNpubblico|76|May 15, 2014}}
= Wikimedia News n. 76, May 15, 2014 =
[[File:Opening_the_past_2014.jpg|thumb|200px|center| ''Logo of the event Opening the past 2014'', from the website http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/ released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license]]
[[File:Opening_the_past_2014.jpg|thumb|200px|center| ''Logo of the event Opening the past 2014'', from the website http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/ released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license]]
<font size="5">Opening the past to tell about it</font>  
<font size="5">Opening the past so to tell it</font>  
As archaeologists and cultural heritage operators, can they tell the community about their work? Answering to this question is the aim of the meeting [http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/?page_id=2667 Opening the past 2014 - Immersive Archaeology] which will be held '''Friday, May 23rd, in Pisa'''. The promoters hope to focus the attention on contemporary tools, such as the new media or virtual reality, spreading out to open data, and to their ability to allow the construction of an effective and involving story. For this reason, our very own Emma Tracanella has been invited to talk about [http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments], a project co-ordinated and directed by her, and about [http://www.archeowiki.it/ Archeowiki]. Free registration is open on the website, until May 18th.
How can archaeologists and cultural heritage operators tell the community about their work? Answering to this question is the aim of the meeting [http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/?page_id=2667 Opening the past 2014 - Immersive Archaeology] which will be held '''Friday, May 23rd, in Pisa'''. The promoters hope to focus the attention on contemporary tools, such as new media, virtual reality and open data, and to their ability to let us build an effective and involving story. For this reason, our Emma Tracanella has been invited to talk about [http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments], a project co-ordinated and directed by her, and [http://www.archeowiki.it/ Archeowiki]. Registration is free and may be made on the website, until May 18th.
[[File:mapgive.jpg|thumb|300px|center| ''Screenshot of the homepage of MapGive'', a project belonging to the U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit]]
[[File:mapgive.jpg|thumb|300px|center| ''Screenshot of the homepage of MapGive'', a project belonging to the U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit]]
Riga 14: Riga 15:
The Italian OpenStreetMap community never sleeps: thanks to their effort, indeed, the website [http://mapgive.openstreetmap.it/ MapGive] is now speaking our language as well. The project is explained by Simone Cortesi (''Vice president of Wikimedia Italia'') who, together with Cristian Consonni (''treasurer of Wikimedia Italia e researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler''), has worked on the translation: "In practice, it is like a Wikipedia of geography. The idea is promoting the formation of volunteers able to map area affected by catastrophies intervening in the earliest hours following the disaster, when maps produced before are no longer useful, and what used to be a motorway is now a hard-to-transit-on bridleway". If you're interested in knowing the activities of the Italian OpenStreetMap community, and in signing up as volunteers, please visit the [http://openstreetmap.it/ official website].
The Italian OpenStreetMap community never sleeps: thanks to their effort, the website [http://mapgive.openstreetmap.it/ MapGive] is now speaking our language too. Simone Cortesi (''Vice president of Wikimedia Italia'') explains the project: he, together with Cristian Consonni (''treasurer of Wikimedia Italia and researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler''), worked on the translation: "In practice, it is like a Wikipedia for geography. The idea is to promote the formation of volunteers able to map areas prone to natural calamities, intervening in the earliest hours following the disaster, when standard maps are no longer useful, and what used to be a motorway is now a hard-to-transit-on bridleway". If you're interested in knowing the activities of the Italian OpenStreetMap community, and signing up as volunteers, please visit their [http://openstreetmap.it/ official website].
== Wikiconcessions ==  
== Wikiconcessions ==  
[[File:Tessera Socio WMI 2014 FRONTE-page-001(1).jpg|thumb|150px|left|<p align=center>WMI2014 membership card]]  
[[File:Tessera Socio WMI 2014 FRONTE-page-001(1).jpg|thumb|150px|left|<p align=center>WMI2014 membership card]]  
Wikimedia Italia is working so that members can benefit from concessions by showing their membership card.
Wikimedia Italia is working so that members can benefit from concessions by showing their membership card.
The interest is particularly directed to those museums which already offer concession rate (or free) entry to members of no profit or social promotion associations, such as Wikimedia.
The interest is particularly directed to those museums which already offer discounted (or free) entry to members of no profit or social promotion associations, such as Wikimedia Italia is.
We are currently working on a deal with the museum network of Milan, which comprises the Museum of Science and Technology.
We are currently working on a deal with the museum network of the City of Milan, which comprises the Museum of Science and Technology.
Do you know or want to suggest other museums? Write to us and we'll try to contact them!
Do you know or want to suggest other museums? Email us at segreteria[at]wikimedia.it and we'll try to contact them!
Riga 29: Riga 31:
== OpenStreetMap ==
== OpenStreetMap ==
Riga 34: Riga 37:
When companies decide to change drastically the solutions on which they're based, we always wonder what has motivated them and what their experience has been like; Doublemap, a company supplying real-time positioning systems to public transport companies in Indiana - USA, has told [http://doublemap.github.io/blog/2014/04/29/porting-600k-map-views-to-openstreetmap/ its story] on its blog. With hundreds of thousands or visits every months, and with the necessity of accessing maps even off-line (e.g. at bus stops) the only available choice was getting away from commercial suppliers of cartography and adopting OpenStreetMap.
When companies decide to change drastically the solutions on which they're based, we always wonder what has motivated them and what their experience has been like; Doublemap, a company supplying real-time positioning systems to public transport companies in Indiana - USA, has told [http://doublemap.github.io/blog/2014/04/29/porting-600k-map-views-to-openstreetmap/ its story] on its blog. With hundreds of thousands or visits every months, and with the necessity of accessing maps even off-line (e.g. at bus stops) the only available choice was getting away from commercial suppliers of cartography and adopting OpenStreetMap.
Remaining on public transport, [http://tracker.geops.ch/?z=12&s=1&amp;lat=45.08236949749697&lon=7.7281951904296875 Travic] is a system to visualize feeds supplied by cities like Turin or Trento (not real-time). In Italy, there have been attempts to build these systems [http://cortesi.com/2013/10/gfts-primi-passi-con-le-linee-lineservizi/ from the bottom in Pavia] (with [http://www.apposta.biz/prove/pavia/mappapavia.php an app similar to Travic]).
Speaking of public transport, [http://tracker.geops.ch/?z=12&s=1&amp;lat=45.08236949749697&lon=7.7281951904296875 Travic] is a system to visualize feeds supplied by cities like Turin or Trento (not real-time). In Italy, there have been attempts to build these systems [http://cortesi.com/2013/10/gfts-primi-passi-con-le-linee-lineservizi/ from the bottom in Pavia] (with [http://www.apposta.biz/prove/pavia/mappapavia.php an app similar to Travic]).
Further news is available on the website [http://openstreetmap.it/2014/05/osm-riassunto-settimanale-94/ openstreetmap.it].
Further news is available on the website [http://openstreetmap.it/2014/05/osm-riassunto-settimanale-94/ openstreetmap.it].
Riga 44: Riga 47:
== WikiOscar 2014 ==
== WikiOscar 2014 ==
[[File:Special Gold Barnstar.png|thumb|150px|left| Premio Speciale - Autore: Antonu - Derivative work: RanZag - [CC-BY-SA 2.5] via Wikimedia Commons]]
[[File:Special Gold Barnstar.png|thumb|150px|left| Special Prize - Author: Antonu - Derivative work: RanZag - [CC-BY-SA 2.5] via Wikimedia Commons]]
Anche Wikipedia ha i suoi Oscar! Ogni anno infatti, al termine di un sondaggio della durata di una settimana, ai wikipediani più attivi vengono assegnati premi per i meriti acquisiti sul campo. I Wikioscar, creati per la prima volta nel 2004 sulla falsariga delle barnstar usate nella Wikipedia in lingua inglese, sono un evento virtuale particolarmente amato dagli utenti, anche perché non seguono alcuna regola precisa: chiunque può essere candidato e chiunque può vincere i premi più disparati. <br> L'edizione 2014 si è appena svolta: tantissime le categorie e i premi da assegnare, da quelli più seri come l'elezione dell'[http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Scherzi_e_STUBidaggini/Sondaggi/Wikioscar/2014#Amministratore_dell.27anno Amministratore dell'anno], fino ai più goliardici, senza dimenticare i "classici" Miss Wikipedia e Mister Wikipedia.
<BR>Wikipedia has its own Oscar Awards too! Every year, after a week-long poll, the most active Wikipedians are awarded prizes for merits gained on the field. The Wikioscars, created for the first time in 2004 inspired by the barnstars used in the English language Wikipedia, are a virtual event particularly loved by users, also since they do not follow precise rules: everyone can be nominated, and everyone can win the most diverse awards. <br> The 2014 edition has just concluded: a number of categories and prizes are awarded, from the most serious such as the election of the [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Scherzi_e_STUBidaggini/Sondaggi/Wikioscar/2014#Amministratore_dell.27anno sysop of the year] to the funniest ones, without forgetting the "classics": Miss Wikipedia and Mister Wikipedia.
Riga 57: Riga 59:
== Appuntamenti ==
== Dates for your diary ==
* Mercoledì 7 maggio [[Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]], ex-Presidente di Wikimedia Italia, ha partecipato alla [http://www.radio3.rai.it/dl/radio3/programmi/puntata/ContentItem-fd921ca1-9817-4200-8b75-a37f270d8b3d.html trasmissione] di Radio3 Scienza per parlare di donne e tecnologia.
* Wednesday, May 7th, [[Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]], former President of Wikimedia Italia, participated to the [http://www.radio3.rai.it/dl/radio3/programmi/puntata/ContentItem-fd921ca1-9817-4200-8b75-a37f270d8b3d.html program] of Radio3 Scienza to talk about women and technology.
* Venerdì 16 maggio 2014, Roma: Emma Tracanella (''Coordinatrice di Wiki Loves Monuments'') e [[Utente:Sannita|Luca Martinelli]] (''Segretario di Wikimedia Italia'') parteciperanno all'evento [http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/eagle-wiki-loves-monuments/ '''Buone pratiche e progetti innovativi per la promozione dei beni culturali: EAGLE & Wiki Loves Monuments'''] promosso da EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) e Wikimedia Italia, con il supporto della Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma. In quell'occasione verranno anche proclamati i vincitori del premio speciale EAGLE per Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013.
* Friday, May 16th, Rome: Emma Tracanella (''Coordinator of Wiki Loves Monuments'') and [[Utente:Sannita|Luca Martinelli]] (''Secretary of Wikimedia Italia'') will participate in the event [http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/eagle-wiki-loves-monuments/ '''Buone pratiche e progetti innovativi per la promozione dei beni culturali: EAGLE & Wiki Loves Monuments'''] promoted by EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) and Wikimedia Italia, with the support of Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma. In that occasion the winners of the special prize EAGLE for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013 will be announced.
*Sabato 17 maggio, Padova: [[Utente: Marcok|Marcok]] e altri utenti della comunità parteciperanno a [http://www.padovando.com/incontri-convegni/maddalene-restart-open-content/ #Maddalene-Restart], organizzato con Tam Teatromusica, presentando i progetti Wikimedia e Open Street Map, chi vuole partecipare può segnalarlo nella [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Raduni/Padova_17_maggio_2014 pagina del raduno] in Wikipedia.
*Saturday, May 17th, Padua: [[Utente: Marcok|Marcok]] and other community members will participate in [http://www.padovando.com/incontri-convegni/maddalene-restart-open-content/ #Maddalene-Restart], organized together with Tam Teatromusica, presenting the projects by Wikimedia and Open Street Map; if you want to take part, please indicate it in the [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Raduni/Padova_17_maggio_2014 meetup page] in Wikipedia.
* 16-18 maggio 2014, Roma: [[Utente:Sannita|Luca Martinelli]], [[Utente:CristianCantoro|Cristian Consonni]] e [[Utente:cortesi|Simone Cortesi]], rispettivamente Segretario, Tesoriere e Vicepresidente di Wikimedia Italia, parteciperanno all'evento [http://dati.camera.it/it/hackathon/ Hackathon Code4Italy@Montecitorio 2014]. La maratona, della durata di 30 ore, e rivolta a esperti di informatica, si tiene nella nuova Aula del Palazzo dei Gruppi parlamentari della Camera dei deputati (Via di Campo Marzio, 78). L'obiettivo dell'iniziativa è quello di aumentare la consapevolezza rispetto agli open data prodotti dai lavori della Camera, al fine di sviluppare software e applicazioni. Hashtag: #code4italy.  
* May 16th-18th, 2014, Rome: [[Utente:Sannita|Luca Martinelli]], [[Utente:CristianCantoro|Cristian Consonni]] e [[Utente:cortesi|Simone Cortesi]], Secretary, Treasurer and Vicepresident of Wikimedia Italia, respectively, will participate in the event [http://dati.camera.it/it/hackathon/ Hackathon Code4Italy@Montecitorio 2014]. The marathon, with a duration of 30 hours, and destined to IT experts, will take place in the new Aula del Palazzo dei Gruppi parlamentari of the Camera dei deputati (Via di Campo Marzio, 78). The goal of the project is raising awareness about the open data produced by the works of the Camera, so that software and applications can be developed. Hashtag: #code4italy.  
* 19 maggio, Asti: cominciano i corsi su Wikipedia per i docenti che hanno aderito al progetto [http://www.we-land.com/progetti/progetti-in-corso/wiki-va-a-scuola-asti/ Wikipedia va a scuola @ Asti] promosso dalle associazioni We-Land e Cre[AT]ive, con la collaborazione di Wikimedia Italia. Scopo dell'iniziativa è introdurre l'enciclopedia online libera come strumento didattico nelle scuole secondarie di Asti e del territorio circostante.
* May 19th, Asti: the courses about Wikipedia begin for the teachers who have signed up to the project [http://www.we-land.com/progetti/progetti-in-corso/wiki-va-a-scuola-asti/ Wikipedia va a scuola @ Asti] promoted by the associations We-Land and Cre[AT]ive, with the collaboration of Wikimedia Italia. The goal of the initiative is introducing the free online encyclopedia as a teaching tool in the secondary schools of Asti and the nearby territory.
== Novità dal mondo wiki ==
== News from the wikiworld ==
[[File:Lila_Tretikov.jpg|thumb|150px|left| Lila Tretikov, by Lane Hartwell [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons]]
[[File:Lila_Tretikov.jpg|thumb|150px|left| Lila Tretikov, by Lane Hartwell [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons]]
* Il sito [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikimedia Commons], il database multimediale di Wikimedia, ha superato i 21 milioni di immagini e video caricati sulla sua piattaforma e rilasciati con licenza libera.  
* The website [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikimedia Commons], the multimedia database of Wikimedia, has passed  the milestone of 21 millions images and videos . The media are all available on the platform and available under a free license.
* La Wikimedia Foundation ha nominato un [https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/05/01/wmf_announces_new_ed_lila_tretikov/ nuovo Direttore Esecutivo]. Dopo un anno di ricerche, è stato annunciato il nome di chi dal primo giugno 2014 sostituirà Sue Gardner, direttore in carica negli ultimi 6 anni. La designata è un'altra donna, il suo nome è Lila Tretikov. Lila è un'ingegnere di 36 anni, originaria dell'Unione Sovietica, migrata negli Stati Uniti per studiare quando era ancora teenager.
* Wikimedia Foundation has appointed its [https://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/05/01/wmf_announces_new_ed_lila_tretikov/ new Executive Director]. After searching for one year, the name of the person that will take over the duties of Sue Gardner, who has been in charge for the last 6 years, has been announced. The chosen person is another woman, called Lila Tretikov. Lila is a 36 years old engineer, originally from Soviet Union, who moved to the US for studies during her teenage years.
* Il [http://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikizionario] raddoppia i suoi lemmi e arriva a quota 250.000. Il traguardo è stato raggiunto anche grazie ad inserimenti semiautomatici.
* [http://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikizionario] doubled up its entries, reaching the 250.000 milestone. The result has been obtained thanks also to semi-automatic editing.
'''Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product''' 
[[Categoria:Wikimedia news soci]]

Versione attuale delle 13:26, 13 ago 2016

WikimediaNews - no. 76 - May 15, 2014
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.

Wikimedia News n. 76, May 15, 2014

Logo of the event Opening the past 2014, from the website http://mappaproject.arch.unipi.it/ released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license

Opening the past so to tell it

How can archaeologists and cultural heritage operators tell the community about their work? Answering to this question is the aim of the meeting Opening the past 2014 - Immersive Archaeology which will be held Friday, May 23rd, in Pisa. The promoters hope to focus the attention on contemporary tools, such as new media, virtual reality and open data, and to their ability to let us build an effective and involving story. For this reason, our Emma Tracanella has been invited to talk about Wiki Loves Monuments, a project co-ordinated and directed by her, and Archeowiki. Registration is free and may be made on the website, until May 18th.

Screenshot of the homepage of MapGive, a project belonging to the U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit

MapGive: mapping the world for emergencies

The Italian OpenStreetMap community never sleeps: thanks to their effort, the website MapGive is now speaking our language too. Simone Cortesi (Vice president of Wikimedia Italia) explains the project: he, together with Cristian Consonni (treasurer of Wikimedia Italia and researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler), worked on the translation: "In practice, it is like a Wikipedia for geography. The idea is to promote the formation of volunteers able to map areas prone to natural calamities, intervening in the earliest hours following the disaster, when standard maps are no longer useful, and what used to be a motorway is now a hard-to-transit-on bridleway". If you're interested in knowing the activities of the Italian OpenStreetMap community, and signing up as volunteers, please visit their official website.


WMI2014 membership card

Wikimedia Italia is working so that members can benefit from concessions by showing their membership card. The interest is particularly directed to those museums which already offer discounted (or free) entry to members of no profit or social promotion associations, such as Wikimedia Italia is. We are currently working on a deal with the museum network of the City of Milan, which comprises the Museum of Science and Technology. Do you know or want to suggest other museums? Email us at segreteria[at]wikimedia.it and we'll try to contact them!


Public transport on OpenStreetMap

When companies decide to change drastically the solutions on which they're based, we always wonder what has motivated them and what their experience has been like; Doublemap, a company supplying real-time positioning systems to public transport companies in Indiana - USA, has told its story on its blog. With hundreds of thousands or visits every months, and with the necessity of accessing maps even off-line (e.g. at bus stops) the only available choice was getting away from commercial suppliers of cartography and adopting OpenStreetMap.

Speaking of public transport, Travic is a system to visualize feeds supplied by cities like Turin or Trento (not real-time). In Italy, there have been attempts to build these systems from the bottom in Pavia (with an app similar to Travic).

Further news is available on the website openstreetmap.it.

WikiOscar 2014

Special Prize - Author: Antonu - Derivative work: RanZag - [CC-BY-SA 2.5] via Wikimedia Commons

Wikipedia has its own Oscar Awards too! Every year, after a week-long poll, the most active Wikipedians are awarded prizes for merits gained on the field. The Wikioscars, created for the first time in 2004 inspired by the barnstars used in the English language Wikipedia, are a virtual event particularly loved by users, also since they do not follow precise rules: everyone can be nominated, and everyone can win the most diverse awards.
The 2014 edition has just concluded: a number of categories and prizes are awarded, from the most serious such as the election of the sysop of the year to the funniest ones, without forgetting the "classics": Miss Wikipedia and Mister Wikipedia.

Dates for your diary

  • Wednesday, May 7th, Frieda Brioschi, former President of Wikimedia Italia, participated to the program of Radio3 Scienza to talk about women and technology.
  • Friday, May 16th, Rome: Emma Tracanella (Coordinator of Wiki Loves Monuments) and Luca Martinelli (Secretary of Wikimedia Italia) will participate in the event Buone pratiche e progetti innovativi per la promozione dei beni culturali: EAGLE & Wiki Loves Monuments promoted by EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) and Wikimedia Italia, with the support of Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma. In that occasion the winners of the special prize EAGLE for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013 will be announced.
  • Saturday, May 17th, Padua: Marcok and other community members will participate in #Maddalene-Restart, organized together with Tam Teatromusica, presenting the projects by Wikimedia and Open Street Map; if you want to take part, please indicate it in the meetup page in Wikipedia.
  • May 16th-18th, 2014, Rome: Luca Martinelli, Cristian Consonni e Simone Cortesi, Secretary, Treasurer and Vicepresident of Wikimedia Italia, respectively, will participate in the event Hackathon Code4Italy@Montecitorio 2014. The marathon, with a duration of 30 hours, and destined to IT experts, will take place in the new Aula del Palazzo dei Gruppi parlamentari of the Camera dei deputati (Via di Campo Marzio, 78). The goal of the project is raising awareness about the open data produced by the works of the Camera, so that software and applications can be developed. Hashtag: #code4italy.
  • May 19th, Asti: the courses about Wikipedia begin for the teachers who have signed up to the project Wikipedia va a scuola @ Asti promoted by the associations We-Land and Cre[AT]ive, with the collaboration of Wikimedia Italia. The goal of the initiative is introducing the free online encyclopedia as a teaching tool in the secondary schools of Asti and the nearby territory.

News from the wikiworld

Lila Tretikov, by Lane Hartwell [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

  • The website Wikimedia Commons, the multimedia database of Wikimedia, has passed the milestone of 21 millions images and videos . The media are all available on the platform and available under a free license.
  • Wikimedia Foundation has appointed its new Executive Director. After searching for one year, the name of the person that will take over the duties of Sue Gardner, who has been in charge for the last 6 years, has been announced. The chosen person is another woman, called Lila Tretikov. Lila is a 36 years old engineer, originally from Soviet Union, who moved to the US for studies during her teenage years.
  • Wikizionario doubled up its entries, reaching the 250.000 milestone. The result has been obtained thanks also to semi-automatic editing.

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product