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Riga 1: Riga 1:
= Wikimedia News no. 67 - January 9, 2014 =
= Wikimedia News no. 67 - January 9, 2014 =
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{{titolo errato|titolo=Wikimedia news no. 67}}{{WMNpubblico|67|January 9, 2014}}
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Riga 22: Riga 22:
== Wiki Loves Monuments in the world ==
== Wiki Loves Monuments in the world ==
<!-- Come nell'edizione italiana, anche nel concorso internazionale di Wiki Loves Monuments è '''la natura a prevalere'''! La [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RhB_Ge_4-4_II_Wiesener_Viadukt.jpg fotografia vincitrice] infatti rappresenta il passaggio di un treno tra le montagne svizzere innevate.  
As in the Italian edition, also in the international competition of Wiki Loves Monuments '''nature prevails'''! The [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RhB_Ge_4-4_II_Wiesener_Viadukt.jpg winning photograph] represents the passage of a train in the Swiss mountains covered with snow.
È possibile visualizzare [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013_winners online] tutti e dieci gli scatti considerati migliori tra quelli che hanno partecipato alle edizioni di Wiki Loves Monuments organizzate nel mondo; purtroppo non c'è nessun italiano tra i finalisti, ma '''contiamo di recuperare nel 2014'''.  
You can view [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013_winners online] all ten shots considered the best among those who participated in the editions of Wiki Loves Monuments organized in the world; unfortunately there is no Italian among the finalists, but we hope to recover in 2014.
Da non perdere è anche la carrellata delle fotografie [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013_winners#Finalists finaliste] selezionate in ogni paese, sarà come fare '''il giro del mondo''' stando seduti a casa propria.  
Not to be missed is the rundown of the [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013_winners#Finalists finalists photographs] selected in each country. It'll be like touring the the world while sitting at home.
In '''Italia''' intanto Wiki Loves Monuments non si è fermato e ha aperto la stagione delle '''mostre''': il 6 gennaio si è conclusa a '''Todi''' [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.541204915987125.1073741826.201014020006218&type=1 un'esposizione] interamente dedicata al Tempio di Santa Maria della Consolazione, monumento che ha raccolto il maggior numero di scatti nel concorso nostrano. La mostra ha ospitato oltre 500 fotografie della cattedrale rinascimentale.  
Meanwhile in '''Italy''' Wiki Loves Monuments did not stop, opening the season of '''exhibitions''': on January 6 in '''Todi''' ended [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.541204915987125.1073741826.201014020006218&type=1 an exhibition] dedicated entirely to the Temple of Our Lady of Consolation, the monument that collected the most number of shots in our contest. The exhibition hosted over 500 photographs of the Renaissance cathedral. Up to December 21, it was the turn of '''Asti''': [http://www.we-land.com/ WeLand] and [http://www.creativeasti.com/design/ CREATIVE] associations, together with the group [https://www.facebook.com/igersAsti Instagramers Asti], concluded the long months of initiatives related to the competition with an exhibition of the best shots, national and local, and with the awarding of winners of '''Wiki Loves Asti 2013'''. Moreover, always in Asti, the exhibition will be repeated '''from 9 January until 2 February''', at the Association [http://www.diavolorosso.it/ Il Diavolo Rosso].
Fino al 21 dicembre invece è stato il turno di '''Asti''': le associazioni [http://www.we-land.com/ WeLand] e [http://www.creativeasti.com/design/ CREATIVE], insieme al gruppo [https://www.facebook.com/igersAsti Instagramers Asti] hanno concluso i lunghi mesi di [http://www.we-land.com/wlm2013/ iniziative] legate al concorso con una mostra dei migliori scatti, nazionali e locali, e con la premiazione dei vincitori di '''Wiki Loves Asti 2013'''. Non solo, sempre ad Asti la mostra verrà riproposta a partire '''dal 9 gennaio e fino al 2 febbraio''', presso l'associazione [http://www.diavolorosso.it/ Il Diavolo Rosso].-->
== Wikisource ==
== Wikisource ==

Versione delle 17:14, 9 gen 2014

Wikimedia News no. 67 - January 9, 2014

WikimediaNews - no. 67 - January 9, 2014
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.
Infografica 1.jpeg
Infografica 2 (numeri).jpg

Two infographics talking about Wikimedia Italia in ideas and numbers

Happy 2014

New year, same old appointment with the newsletter of the Wikimedia Italia. We are back on time again and take advantage of this space to wish everyone a happy new year, dedicated to sharing and free culture!

#sostienilacultura campaign: let's take the stock

The campaign sostieni la cultura ("support culture") began quietly at the end of 2013 but has already achieved a great success, thanks to your support. Up to now, we had more than 300 donors, allowing us to collect over 11000 Euro! A special thanks goes to the two major donors: Mr. Giancarlo Pallavicini and Ms. Ines Ruffino, for the esteem and confidence that had in us.

We remind you all that the campaign #sostienilacultura does not stop: in fact, it's going on in 2014. Through the site sostienilacultura.it you can continue to donate and give enrollments to the Association at any time of the year and for any occasion. As a thank you, you will receive the graphics that make up the kit of ambassador of culture, customized for partners and donors.

If you still have doubts, read this interview with our President: Frieda Brioschi explains why donations are used to maintain us independent. If you want to know how your money will be spent, remember to visit periodically our website and read through this newsletter: we will keep you updated on all projects that Wikimedia Italia will carry on throughout the year!

We also remind you to follow the progress of the campaign on all the social profiles of Wikimedia, especially those on Facebook and Twitter, helping to grow the hashtag #sostienilacultura. To encourage you, we suggest a theme: here there is the list of the 100 most visited entries on Wikipedia in Italian in 2013: it is mostly composed by TV movies. Do you agree? What would you like to see at the first places in a country that protects the culture? Tell us what do you think, using #sostienilacultura!

Wiki Loves Monuments in the world

As in the Italian edition, also in the international competition of Wiki Loves Monuments nature prevails! The winning photograph represents the passage of a train in the Swiss mountains covered with snow. You can view online all ten shots considered the best among those who participated in the editions of Wiki Loves Monuments organized in the world; unfortunately there is no Italian among the finalists, but we hope to recover in 2014. Not to be missed is the rundown of the [finalists photographs selected in each country. It'll be like touring the the world while sitting at home.

Meanwhile in Italy Wiki Loves Monuments did not stop, opening the season of exhibitions: on January 6 in Todi ended an exhibition dedicated entirely to the Temple of Our Lady of Consolation, the monument that collected the most number of shots in our contest. The exhibition hosted over 500 photographs of the Renaissance cathedral. Up to December 21, it was the turn of Asti: WeLand and CREATIVE associations, together with the group Instagramers Asti, concluded the long months of initiatives related to the competition with an exhibition of the best shots, national and local, and with the awarding of winners of Wiki Loves Asti 2013. Moreover, always in Asti, the exhibition will be repeated from 9 January until 2 February, at the Association Il Diavolo Rosso.


Freeing Cultural Heritage: an occasion to change the rules

Wikipedia in 2013

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product