Wikimedia news/numero 73/en

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Wikimedia News no. 73, April 3, 2014

Members' Card, 2014

Wikimedia Italia meeting in Florence

Tre delle cinque cariche del consiglio direttivo di Wikimedia Italia verranno rinnovate durante l'assemblea, a questo proposito il Presidente Andrea Zanni invita caldamente i soci a candidarsi. Per dubbi e domande a riguardo è possibile scrivere direttamente al Presidente all'indirizzo

Wikimedia Italy renews its call to its members, friends and supporters to participate in the first ordinary meeting of 2014 which will be held this Saturday (April 5) in Florence at the space Impact Hub (Via Panciatichi 14, Building F). The meeting is called at 14:00 in second call; it is public, but only members up to date with the payment of the fee can vote. To attend the meeting, you must register (free) by filling out the online form.

Three of the five positions of the board of Wikimedia Italy will be renovated during the assembly. President Andrea Zanni urges members to apply. For any questions about it you can write directly to the President at

Here is the program of the day :

Morning Session

  • 10:30 - Arrival of participants, breakfast together with the community of The HUB and start of pre-assembly work .
  • 11:00 - Presentation by the National Central Library of Florence of the projects carried out in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia.
  • 11:20 - Presentation of the project EAGLE by Sannita, Laurentius and Aubrey.
  • 11:35 - Presentation of the state of the art with respect to the constitution for the Italian chapter of OpenStreetMap in Italy .
  • 11:50 - Presentation of the project with nurses graduating at UniMI, by Franciaio .
  • 12:00 - Surprise!
  • 12:10 - Start of pre-meeting discussions: future projects, budget for 2014 and Wikimania Esino Lario.
  • 13:00 - Lunch

Afternoon Session

  • 14:00 Official start of works.
  • Ratification of resolutions of the Board.
  • Ratification of new subscribers and members removed because of arrearage.
  • Amendments to Internal Regulation.
  • Financial statement 2013.
  • Budget for 2014, and discussions of new projects.
  • Renewal of the Board.
  • Any other business.
  • about 18:00 end of works.

Translate-a-thon in Grenoble

EAGLE and Wiki Loves Monuments together for increasing Heritage appreciation

News from Italian OpenStreetMap

  • Last weekend, in Bologna, hundreds of people met at #SOD14, Spaghetti Open Data: OSM was involved in a number of sessions.

All OpenStreetMap news (not necessarily related to Italy) may be found on site.

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product