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Riga 7: Riga 7:
== WikiLibraries ==
== WikiLibraries ==
<!--Giovedì 30 maggio a Crema si è tenuto il convegno "[http://opac.provincia.cremona.it/library/home-RBC/viaggio-nel-mondo-del-libro I bibliotecari si raccontano, sfide opportunità e alleanze]", al quale ha partecipato anche la nostra socia [[w:it:Utente:Virginia_Gentilini|Virginia Gentilini]], per parlare di ''Bibliotecari wikipediani: hardware e software di una collaborazione''.
On Thursday, May 30 in Crema the conference "[http://opac.provincia.cremona.it/library/home-RBC/viaggio-nel-mondo-del-libro Librarians tell themselves: challenges, opportunities and partnerships]" was held. Our member [[w:it:User:Virginia_Gentilini | Virginia Gentilini]] attended it with a talk about ''Wikipedian Librarians: hardware and software of a collaboration.''
A questo [http://www.slideshare.net/virna/crema-2013-gentilini link] è possibile visualizzare le slide utilizzate da Virginia per la sua presentazione.
At [http://www.slideshare.net/virna/crema-2013-gentilini this link] you can view the slides used by Virginia for his presentation.
Ormai la voce dei corsi e laboratori su Wikipedia tenuti presso le biblioteche si sta diffondendo e sempre più addetti ai lavori chiedono informazioni sulle possibilità a loro disposizione, in particolare per quanto riguarda le iniziative rivolte agli utenti.  
Tra queste, sta riscuotendo grande successo il laboratorio per principianti (sabato 8 giugno si è svolta la seconda edizione del corso con [[Utente:P tasso|P tasso]], presso la Biblioteca Salaborsa di Bologna). La struttura dell'incontro è semplice: nell'arco di circa tre ore, un pubblico eterogeneo si vede presentare una panoramica del funzionamento (dietro le quinte) dei progetti Wikimedia, con particolare attenzione per Wikipedia. I presenti, poi, vengono invitati a cimentarsi nella creazione di una utenza e di una sandbox personale (su Wikipedia), per provare a sporcarsi le mani e sperimentare in prima persona la modificabilità dell'enciclopedia.-->
By now the voice of the courses and workshops on Wikipedia kept in libraries is spreading and more and more professionals ask about the options available to them, particularly with regard to initiatives aimed at users.
Among these, the laboratory for beginners is proving very successful (Saturday, June 8th we held the second edition of the course with [[w:it:User:P tasso|P tasso]], at the Biblioteca Salaborsa in Bologna). The structure of the meeting is simple: in the space of about three hours, a diverse audience is presented an overview of the operation (behind the scenes) of the Wikimedia projects, with particular emphasis on Wikipedia. They are then invited to try their hand at creating a user and a personal sandbox (on Wikipedia), to try to get their hands dirty and experience firsthand the modifiability of the encyclopedia.
== (Happy) Ending for Veneto in Wikipedia ==
== (Happy) Ending for Veneto in Wikipedia ==
<!--Lunedì 3 giugno si è svolta la cerimonia di chiusura dell'edizione 2012-2013 del progetto [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:Coordinamento/Scuole/Autori_in_Wikipedia/2012-2013/Veneto Veneto in Wikipedia] (organizzato dal nostro socio Prof. Corrado Petrucco dell'Università di Padova e dalle dott.sse Enrica Pagano e Simonetta Boscolo in collaborazione con Wikimedia Italia).  
On Monday, June 3rd we had the closing ceremony for the edition 2012-2013 of [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:Coordinamento/Scuole/Autori_in_Wikipedia/2012-2013/Veneto Veneto in Wikipedia] project  (organized from our member Prof. Corrado Petrucco at the University of Padua, together with Enrica Pagano and Simonetta Boscolo, in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia).
Oltre agli studenti e agli insegnanti coinvolti, all'evento hanno partecipato anche rappresentanti dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale e due funzionari della [http://www.veneto.beniculturali.it/ Direzione regionale dei beni culturali e paesaggistici del Veneto], la dott.ssa Meneghetti e il dott. Polloniato. Molto soddisfatti delle voci create dai ragazzi, i due funzionari hanno inoltre espresso apprezzamento per il ruolo che riveste Wikipedia nel valorizzare il patrimonio artistico e culturale italiano.  
In addition to students and teachers involved, the event was also attended by representatives of the Regional School Authority and two officials of [http://www.veneto.beniculturali.it/ Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Veneto], Ms. Meneghetti and Mr. Polloniato. The two officials were really satisfied with the entries created by the boys, end they also expressed appreciation for the role Wikipedia plays in adding value the Italia artistic and cultural heritage.
Chi ha risposto con il massimo entusiasmo sono stati proprio i ragazzi, insieme ai loro docenti, che per l'occasione hanno potuto sperimentare e perfezionare le loro competenze digitali. A fine giornata sono state premiate le migliori voci scritte dagli studenti, i quali non hanno nascosto l'orgoglio per aver contribuito (anche solo per una piccola parte) al sapere collettivo di Wikipedia. Di seguito le tre voci giudicate migliori: [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_O.P._Sant%27Artemio Ex O.P. Sant'Artemio] (Isiss Casagrande Pieve Soligo); [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaetano_Cozzi Gaetano Cozzi] (Itis Planck Lancenigo); [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museo_archeologico_nazionale_di_Venezia Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia] (Istituto Marco Polo Venezia).
But it was just the boys and girls who responded with the greatest enthusiasm, together with their teachers, who on this occasion were able to experiment and perfect their digital skills. At the end of the day prizes were awarded to the best entries written by the students, who did not hide the pride for having contributed (even if only for a small part) to the collective wisdom of Wikipedia. The following three entries were judged best: [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_O.P._Sant% 27Artemio Sant'Artemio Ex-Psychiatric Ward] (ISISS Casagrande Pieve Soligo); [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaetano_Cozzi Gaetano Cozzi] (ITIS Planck Lancenigo) [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museo_archeologico_nazionale_di_Venezia National Archaeological Museum of Venice] (Istituto Venezia Marco Polo).
Come ha dichiarato il professor Corrado Petrucco: “Non è mai troppo presto per Wikipedia”, gli studenti più giovani erano di quarta elementare.-->
As stated by Professor Corrado Petrucco: "It's never too early for Wikipedia!" The younger students are in fourth grade.
== Elections for Funds Dissemination Committee ==
From Saturday, June 8 and up to Saturday 22 of the same month, members of the Wikimedia community have the opportunity to elect two candidates for the [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/FDC_elections/2013/en Funds Dissemination Committee] (FDC). The purpose of FDC is to assign funds to Wikimedia chapters and other groups (Chapters in development), through the evaluation of the extent to which these funds will allow such entities to have an impact on the achievement of the institutional goals of the Wikimedia movement.
Among the candidates there is also the vice president of Wikimedia Italia, [[:it:User:CristianCantoro|CristianCantoro]], which states: «I think the goal of FDC is to cope with the difficult challenge to ensure the highest level of transparency and effective as possible (to ensure that donor money is well spent), and on the other hand to give people from all over the world the means they need to carry out initiatives in favor of free culture without an excessive level of bureaucracy being an obstacle (we should never forget that the volunteers' time is valuable both for themselves that for the movement) [...].» [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/FDC_elections/2013/Candidates Here] you can read the complete profiles of the candidates.
== Elezioni per la Funds Dissemination Committee ==
== I would like to be a leader ==
<!--A partire da sabato 8 giugno e fino al 22 dello stesso mese, i membri della comunità di Wikimedia hanno la possibilità di eleggere due candidati per la [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/FDC_elections/2013/it Funds Dissemination Committee] (FDC, Comitato di Distribuzione dei Fondi). Lo scopo dell'FDC è quello di attribuire fondi ai capitoli Wikimedia e ad altri gruppi (capitoli in formazione), attraverso la valutazione della misura in cui tali fondi permetteranno a tali entità di avere un impatto sulla realizzazione degli scopi istituzionali del movimento Wikimedia.
Tra i candidati c'è anche il vicepresidente di Wikimedia Italia, [[Utente:CristianCantoro|CristianCantoro]], il quale in proposito dichiara:
“Secondo me l'obiettivo dell'FDC è venire a capo della difficile sfida di riuscire da un lato ad assicurare il più alto livello di trasparenza ed efficacia possibile (per essere certi che i soldi dei donatori siano spesi bene), d'altro di poter dare a persone provenienti da tutto il mondo i mezzi di cui hanno bisogno per realizzare iniziative in favore della cultura libera senza che un eccessivo livello di burocratizzazione risulti d'ostacolo (non dovremmo mai dimenticare che il tempo dei volontari è prezioso sia per loro stessi che per il movimento) [...]”. [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/FDC_elections/2013/Candidates Qui] potete leggere tutte le schede complete dei candidati.-->
== I would like to be a leader ==
We received the news of an interesting initiative called [http://www.fepic.eu/ Female Engineers Pushing Innovations in Companies (FEPIC)].
<!--Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la notizia di un'interessante iniziativa denominata [http://www.fepic.eu/ Female Engineers Pushing Innovations in Companies (FEPIC)].
The project, supported by the European Union in the framework of [http://www.programmallp.it/llp_home.php?id_cnt=1 "Lifelong Learning Program"], is coordinated by the University of Bologna (on the initiative of Professor Miretta Giacometti) and has the support of 20 partners from Estonia, Germany, Italy, Malta, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Hungary.
Il progetto, sostenuto dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito di [http://www.programmallp.it/llp_home.php?id_cnt=1 “Lifelong Learning Program”], è coordinato dall'Università di Bologna (per iniziativa della professoressa Miretta Giacometti) e vanta l'appoggio di 20 partner provenienti da Estonia, Germania, Italia, Malta, Polonia, Svezia, Regno Unito, Ungheria.  
The main objective of FEPIC is to create an e-learning tool for professional women, in order to promote gender equality and combat the underrepresentation of women in top positions of the organizations.
L'obiettivo principale di FEPIC consiste nel creare uno strumento e-learning destinato a professioniste donne, al fine di promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere e contrastare la sottorappresentazione femminile nelle posizioni più alte delle organizzazioni.  
[http://www.fepic.eu/iwouldliketobealeader/index.php I would like to be a leader] is the name of the (free) online tool  developed by the partners involved; it is a training program designed to increase the skills of creativity for innovation and leadership, with a gender perspective (it is available in Italian, English and other four languages).
[http://www.fepic.eu/iwouldliketobealeader/index.php I would like to be a leader] è il nome dello strumento (gratuito) online sviluppato dai partner coinvolti; si tratta di un percorso formativo pensato per aumentare le competenze su creatività per l'innovazione e leadership, con una prospettiva di genere (è disponibile in italiano, inglese e altre 4 lingue).-->
==  Next appointments  ==
==  Next appointments  ==

Versione attuale delle 16:38, 13 giu 2013

Wikimedia news1.png
WikimediaNews - no. 54 - June 12, 2013
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.

"Editathon WMI 4 maggio 2013" - By Atropine [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons


On Thursday, May 30 in Crema the conference "Librarians tell themselves: challenges, opportunities and partnerships" was held. Our member Virginia Gentilini attended it with a talk about Wikipedian Librarians: hardware and software of a collaboration. At this link you can view the slides used by Virginia for his presentation.

By now the voice of the courses and workshops on Wikipedia kept in libraries is spreading and more and more professionals ask about the options available to them, particularly with regard to initiatives aimed at users. Among these, the laboratory for beginners is proving very successful (Saturday, June 8th we held the second edition of the course with P tasso, at the Biblioteca Salaborsa in Bologna). The structure of the meeting is simple: in the space of about three hours, a diverse audience is presented an overview of the operation (behind the scenes) of the Wikimedia projects, with particular emphasis on Wikipedia. They are then invited to try their hand at creating a user and a personal sandbox (on Wikipedia), to try to get their hands dirty and experience firsthand the modifiability of the encyclopedia.

(Happy) Ending for Veneto in Wikipedia

On Monday, June 3rd we had the closing ceremony for the edition 2012-2013 of Veneto in Wikipedia project (organized from our member Prof. Corrado Petrucco at the University of Padua, together with Enrica Pagano and Simonetta Boscolo, in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia). In addition to students and teachers involved, the event was also attended by representatives of the Regional School Authority and two officials of Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Veneto, Ms. Meneghetti and Mr. Polloniato. The two officials were really satisfied with the entries created by the boys, end they also expressed appreciation for the role Wikipedia plays in adding value the Italia artistic and cultural heritage. But it was just the boys and girls who responded with the greatest enthusiasm, together with their teachers, who on this occasion were able to experiment and perfect their digital skills. At the end of the day prizes were awarded to the best entries written by the students, who did not hide the pride for having contributed (even if only for a small part) to the collective wisdom of Wikipedia. The following three entries were judged best: 27Artemio Sant'Artemio Ex-Psychiatric Ward (ISISS Casagrande Pieve Soligo); Gaetano Cozzi (ITIS Planck Lancenigo) National Archaeological Museum of Venice (Istituto Venezia Marco Polo). As stated by Professor Corrado Petrucco: "It's never too early for Wikipedia!" The younger students are in fourth grade.

Elections for Funds Dissemination Committee

From Saturday, June 8 and up to Saturday 22 of the same month, members of the Wikimedia community have the opportunity to elect two candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC). The purpose of FDC is to assign funds to Wikimedia chapters and other groups (Chapters in development), through the evaluation of the extent to which these funds will allow such entities to have an impact on the achievement of the institutional goals of the Wikimedia movement. Among the candidates there is also the vice president of Wikimedia Italia, CristianCantoro, which states: «I think the goal of FDC is to cope with the difficult challenge to ensure the highest level of transparency and effective as possible (to ensure that donor money is well spent), and on the other hand to give people from all over the world the means they need to carry out initiatives in favor of free culture without an excessive level of bureaucracy being an obstacle (we should never forget that the volunteers' time is valuable both for themselves that for the movement) [...].» Here you can read the complete profiles of the candidates.

I would like to be a leader

We received the news of an interesting initiative called Female Engineers Pushing Innovations in Companies (FEPIC). The project, supported by the European Union in the framework of "Lifelong Learning Program", is coordinated by the University of Bologna (on the initiative of Professor Miretta Giacometti) and has the support of 20 partners from Estonia, Germany, Italy, Malta, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Hungary. The main objective of FEPIC is to create an e-learning tool for professional women, in order to promote gender equality and combat the underrepresentation of women in top positions of the organizations. I would like to be a leader is the name of the (free) online tool developed by the partners involved; it is a training program designed to increase the skills of creativity for innovation and leadership, with a gender perspective (it is available in Italian, English and other four languages).

Next appointments

  • Friday 28 June, Bologna: Atropine and Virginia Gentilini will talk about Wikimedia movement at Il Cassero". Il Cassero was created in 1978 in Bologna as "Club of homosexual culture". The structure hosts a Documentation Center about Italian LGBT movement, and organized many cultural and recreational activities. The meeting will show the projects about the LGBT world present on Wikipedia, and discuss the opportunity of collaboration between the two entities.

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product