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== GfOSS Day ==
== GfOSS Day ==
<!--[http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/ GfOSS, l'Associazione italiana per l'informazione geografica libera], ha annunciato che dal 10 all'11 ottobre prossimi, si terrà a Bologna la sesta edizione del [http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/gfossday2013 GfOSS Day].
[http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/ GfOSS], the Italian Association for free geographic information, announced that from 10 to 11 October this year the sixth edition of [http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/gfossday2013 GFOSS Day] will be held in Bologna.
Scopo della conferenza è quello di coinvolgere imprese, enti pubblici, sviluppatori, cittadini, operatori del settore ed appassionati dei temi del software libero geografico e degli open data. L'evento è organizzato in collaborazione con la Regione Emilia Romagna e ha ottenuto il patrocinio del [http://www.dicam.unibo.it/ Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, chimica, ambientale e dei Materiali – DICAM] e del [http://www.scienzeagrarie.unibo.it/it Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie - DipSA] dell'Università di Bologna.
L'evento sarà aperto a tutti e gratuito.  
Ve lo segnaliamo ora, su invito degli organizzatori, perché la macchina organizzativa comincia a muoversi adesso, il programma è ancora in fase di elaborazione e quindi c'è ancora spazio per avanzare idee e proposte.-->
Purpose of the conference is to involve businesses, government agencies, developers, citizens, industry and fans of the themes of free software and open geographic data. The event is organized in collaboration with the Regione Emilia Romagna and received the patronage of [http://www.eng.dicam.unibo.it/ Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering - DICAM] and [http://www.scienzeagrarie.unibo.it/  Department of Agricultural Sciences - DIPSA] of the University of Bologna.
The event will be open to all and free of charge.
The organizers asked us to write about it now, since the organizational machine is just gearing up, the program is still being developed and therefore there is room to send ideas and proposals.
== Future appointments ==
== Future appointments ==
<!--* Tra giugno e settembre, in occasione di [http://www.aib.it/attivita/bibliopride/bibliopride2013/ '''Bibliopride2013'''], la Sezione Toscana dell'AIB (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche) organizza [http://www.aib.it/struttura/sezioni/toscana/2013/35639-biblioteche-toscane-in-wikipedia/ 4 corsi su Wikipedia per bibliotecari e utenti]: Pisa (16-17 luglio); Firenze (23-24 luglio); Grosseto (16-17 settembre); Scandicci (23-24 settembre). I corsi hanno lo scopo di raccogliere informazioni aggiornate e di qualità sulle biblioteche. L'iscrizione è obbligatoria ed è da effettuarsi almeno tre giorni prima del corso scrivendo una e-mail a tos-corsi@tos.aib.it. Al termine delle lezioni verrà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione; per coloro che consegneranno le esercitazioni valutate positivamente verrà rilasciata una certificazione aggiuntiva. Docente dei corsi sarà [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Giaccai Susanna Giaccai] con la collaborazione di alcuni Wikipediani volontari.-->
Between June and September, during [http://www.aib.it/attivita/bibliopride/bibliopride2013/ '''Bibliopride2013'''], the Tuscany Section of AIB (Italian Libraries' Association) organizes [http://www.aib.it/struttura/sezioni/toscana/2013/35639-biblioteche-toscane-in-wikipedia/ four Wikipedia courses for librarians and users]: Pisa (16-17 July), Florence (23-24 July) , Grosseto (16-17 September); Scandicci (23-24 September). The courses are designed to collect updated and quality information about the libraries. Registration is required and must be made at least three days prior to the course by writing an e-mail to tos-corsi@tos.aib.it. At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued: those who will answer correctly the exercises will receive an additional certification. Lecturer will be [[:it:Utente:Giaccai|Susanna Giaccai]] with the collaboration of some Wikipedian volunteers.

Versione attuale delle 16:19, 11 lug 2013

Wikimedia news1.png
WikimediaNews - no. 56 - July 11, 2013
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.

"Archaeological item of Passaré Foundation" by Fondazione Passaré website, [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons


"Gruppo di wikipediani e archeologi durante la visita a Desenzano" - By Fra [CC-BY-SA-3.0]

Museums, schools, archeology and Wikipedia: project Archaeowiki is almost ready to meet its public. Our Wikipedians in residence (Jaqen, Yiyi and Phyrexian) are working side by side with the archaeologists of G.A.AM - Ambrosian Archaeological Group Ambrosian for the preparation of meetings and activities aimed at the development and documentation of the collections housed from six museums in Lombardia. The project is based on teaching moments combined with guided tours ("wikigite") in museums, showing the public and institutions the wiki way to see the culture. Two types of wikigite are provided:

  • Wikigita goes to school is dedicated to students of secondary schools of first and second level and will start this fall. Students will have the opportunity to know the archaeological heritage in Lombardia and learn how to share it on Wikipedia. Once in the classroom, in fact, teachers will guide pupils in loading the material collected during the trip: photos to Commons and information to Wikipedia.
  • Wikigita comes to you is aimed instead at a different segment of the population that is not often found in the audience of museums: elderly and the disabled, especially blind people. With the involvement of specific associations, introductory meetings to Wikipedia will be organized; after them, guided tours in museums and theme-based editathons will follow.

More information will soon be available in an overview post featured in the Wikimedia Foundation blog. We eill inform you as soon as it will appear.

Wikimedia Foundation wins a lawsuit versus Cesare Previti

On January 30, 2013 Cesare Previti, a former adviser to Silvio Berlusconi, has filed a lawsuit against the Wikimedia Foundation, arguing that the article about him posted on Wikipedia Italian is inaccurate and defamatory and that, the WMF was therefore responsible for having provided a place to spread that content. On 20 June 2013, the Court of Rome has expressed its opposition, noting that the Wikimedia Foundation is offering only a hosting service, cannot be responsible for everything that is written by individual users and, moreover, that given the open and fluid nature of the projects, these aspects are explained very clearly. In addition to the legal victory, it is significant that the judgment will rest in part on what is one of the cornerstones of Wikipedia: anyone can edit entries or to report inaccuracies to the community of volunteers. Consequently, according to the Court of Rome, Cesare Previti could advance their grievances directly to the community, which plays the main role in creating and managing content.


GfOSS, the Italian Association for free geographic information, announced that from 10 to 11 October this year the sixth edition of GFOSS Day will be held in Bologna.

Purpose of the conference is to involve businesses, government agencies, developers, citizens, industry and fans of the themes of free software and open geographic data. The event is organized in collaboration with the Regione Emilia Romagna and received the patronage of Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering - DICAM and Department of Agricultural Sciences - DIPSA of the University of Bologna. The event will be open to all and free of charge.

The organizers asked us to write about it now, since the organizational machine is just gearing up, the program is still being developed and therefore there is room to send ideas and proposals.

Future appointments

Between June and September, during Bibliopride2013, the Tuscany Section of AIB (Italian Libraries' Association) organizes four Wikipedia courses for librarians and users: Pisa (16-17 July), Florence (23-24 July) , Grosseto (16-17 September); Scandicci (23-24 September). The courses are designed to collect updated and quality information about the libraries. Registration is required and must be made at least three days prior to the course by writing an e-mail to tos-corsi@tos.aib.it. At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued: those who will answer correctly the exercises will receive an additional certification. Lecturer will be Susanna Giaccai with the collaboration of some Wikipedian volunteers.

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product