Differenze tra le versioni di "Utente:Edoardo Tallarico/Sandbox2"

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(traduzione bilancio 2019)
m (sviste)
(5 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate)
Riga 1: Riga 1:
//traduzione bilancio 2019
{{traduzione|en|Bilancio consuntivo 2019}}
The final balance 2019 was discussed and approved on the 21th April 2020 during the [[Associazione:Assemblea WMI aprile 2020|Assembly]].
The final balance 2019 was discussed and approved on the 21th April 2020 during the [[Associazione:Assemblea WMI aprile 2020|Assembly]].
Riga 6: Riga 7:
{| class="wikitable" style="float: left; margin-right: 2em"
{| class="wikitable" style="float: left; margin-right: 2em"
|+ Assets
|+ Assets
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Clients'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Customers'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''16.010,28 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''16.010,28 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Clients in Italy''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Customers in Italy''
| style="text-align: right;" |''16.010,28 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''16.010,28 €''
Riga 152: Riga 153:
| style="text-align: right;" |544.281,62 €
| style="text-align: right;" |544.281,62 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Provisions for risks, charges and TFR'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Provisions for risks, charges and severance pay'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''22.047,36 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''22.047,36 €'''
Riga 223: Riga 224:
== Conto economico ==
== Statement of income ==
{| class="wikitable" style="float: left; margin-right: 2em"
{| class="wikitable" style="float: left; margin-right: 2em"
|+ Uscite
|+ Outgoings
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Costi della produzione'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Value of production'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''166.046,89 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''166.046,89 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Materie prime, sussidiarie, di consumo e merci''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Raw, ancillary and consumable materials and goods''
| style="text-align: right;" |''7.683,72 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''7.683,72 €''
|Acquisti materiali di consumo
|Purchase consumables
| style="text-align: right;" |1.511,62 €
| style="text-align: right;" |1.511,62 €
|Spese per materiali promozionali/pubblicitari
|Expenses for promotional and advertising materials
| style="text-align: right;" |4.770,93 €
| style="text-align: right;" |4.770,93 €
|Stationery and office products
| style="text-align: right;" |1.401,17 €
| style="text-align: right;" |1.401,17 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Costi per servizi''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Costs for services''
| style="text-align: right;" |''155.262,58 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''155.262,58 €''
|Spese per servizi promozionali/pubblicitari
|Expenses for promotional / advertising services
| style="text-align: right;" |3.369,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |3.369,00 €
Riga 264: Riga 265:
|Spese per assicurazione
|Expenses for event organization
| style="text-align: right;" |2.439,51 €
| style="text-align: right;" |2.439,51 €
|Spese per servizi postali e trasporti
|Expenses for postal services and transport
| style="text-align: right;" |1.473,94 €
| style="text-align: right;" |1.473,94 €
|Compensi per prestazioni professionali
|Compensation for professional services
| style="text-align: right;" |24.316,35 €
| style="text-align: right;" |24.316,35 €
|Consulenze amministrative e legali
|Administrative and legal consultancy
| style="text-align: right;" |25.332,06 €
| style="text-align: right;" |25.332,06 €
|Spese telefoniche
| Telephone charges
| style="text-align: right;" |1.681,36 €
| style="text-align: right;" |1.681,36 €
|Collaborazioni coordinate e continuative
| Coordinated and ongoing collaborations
| style="text-align: right;" |25.607,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |25.607,00 €
|Oneri sociali co. co. co.
|Social Charges co. co. co.
| style="text-align: right;" |4.776,94 €
| style="text-align: right;" |4.776,94 €
|Servizi bancari e di pagamento
|Banking and payment services
| style="text-align: right;" |3.174,26 €
| style="text-align: right;" |3.174,26 €
|Servizi diversi
|Other servicies
| style="text-align: right;" |266,13 €
| style="text-align: right;" |266,13 €
|Compensi a lavoratori occasionali
| Fees for casual workers
| style="text-align: right;" |7.874,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |7.874,00 €
|Spese per servizi software
| Software service charges
| style="text-align: right;" |5.989,27 €
| style="text-align: right;" |5.989,27 €
|Spese per formazione
| Training expenses
| style="text-align: right;" |658,04 €
| style="text-align: right;" |658,04 €
|Spese per servizi web
|Web servicies expenses
| style="text-align: right;" |8.645,82 €
| style="text-align: right;" |8.645,82 €
|Spese per viaggi staff e volontari
|Travel expenses for staff and volunteers
| style="text-align: right;" |32.713,09 €
| style="text-align: right;" |32.713,09 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Costi per godimento di beni di terzi''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |'Cost of third party assets''
| style="text-align: right;" |''3.100,59 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''3.100,59 €''
|Affitti passivi
| style="text-align: right;" |3.100,59 €
| style="text-align: right;" |3.100,59 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Costi per il personale'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Personnel cost'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''102.973,69 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''102.973,69 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Salari e stipendi''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Wages and salaries''
| style="text-align: right;" |''76.137,74 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''76.137,74 €''
|Salari e stipendi
|Wages and salaries
| style="text-align: right;" |76.137,74 €
| style="text-align: right;" |76.137,74 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Oneri sociali personale dipendente''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Social security contributions''
| style="text-align: right;" |''20.215,28 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''20.215,28 €''
|Oneri sociali dipendenti
|Employee social charges
| style="text-align: right;" |19.856,82 €
| style="text-align: right;" |19.856,82 €
|Contributi INAIL
| style="text-align: right;" |358,46 €
| style="text-align: right;" |358,46 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Trattamento di fine rapporto''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |'Severance pay''
| style="text-align: right;" |''6.620,67 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''6.620,67 €''
|Accantonamento T.F.R.
|Provision for T.F.R.
| style="text-align: right;" |6.620,67 €
| style="text-align: right;" |6.620,67 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Accantonamenti e oneri diversi'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |''Provisions and other expenses'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''12.510,47 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''12.510,47 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Oneri diversi di gestione''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Various management charges''
| style="text-align: right;" |''12.510,47 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''12.510,47 €''
|Sopravvenienze passive ordinari
|Ordinary contingent liabilities
| style="text-align: right;" |9.998,01 €
| style="text-align: right;" |9.998,01 €
|Libri e giornali
|Books and newspapers
| style="text-align: right;" |2.150,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |2.150,00 €
|Contributi movimento Wikimedia
|Wikimedia movement contributions
| style="text-align: right;" |320,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |320,00 €
|Sanzioni tributarie da ravvedimento operoso
|Tax penalties for industrious repentance
| style="text-align: right;" |42,46 €
| style="text-align: right;" |42,46 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Proventi e oneri finanziari'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Financial income and expenses'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''4,79 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''4,79 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Interessi e altri oneri finanziari''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Interest and other financial charges''
| style="text-align: right;" |''4,79 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''4,79 €''
|Arrotondamenti passivi
|Passive rounding
| style="text-align: right;" |3,04 €
| style="text-align: right;" |3,04 €
|Interessi passivi e competenze
| Passive interests and duties
| style="text-align: right;" |1,75 €
| style="text-align: right;" |1,75 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Proventi e oneri straordinari, imposte'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Extraordinary income and charges, taxes'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''5.431,00 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''5.431,00 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Imposte sul reddito''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Income taxes''
| style="text-align: right;" |''5.431,00 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''5.431,00 €''
|IRES dell’esercizio indeducibile
|IRES from non-deductible exercise
| style="text-align: right;" |887,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |887,00 €
|IRAP dell’esercizio indeducibile
|IRAP from non-deductible exercise
| style="text-align: right;" |4.544,00 €
| style="text-align: right;" |4.544,00 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''TOTALE USCITE'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |''TOTAL OUTPUTS'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''286.966,84 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''286.966,84 €'''
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Entrate
|+ Incomes
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Valore della produzione e ricavi vari'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Production value and various revenues''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''558.422,05 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''558.422,05 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Ricavi delle vendite e delle prestazioni''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Revenues from sales and services''
| style="text-align: right;" |''27.817,77 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''27.817,77 €''
|Ricavi per corsi di formazione
|Revenues from training courses
| style="text-align: right;" |27.817,77 €
| style="text-align: right;" |27.817,77 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Altri ricavi e proventi''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Other income''
| style="text-align: right;" |''3.114,13 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''3.114,13 €''
|Sopravvenienze attive ordinarie
|Ordinary contingent assets
| style="text-align: right;" |250,41 €
| style="text-align: right;" |250,41 €
|Ricavi da IVA forfetaria per regimi speciali
| Revenues from flat rate VAT for special schemes
| style="text-align: right;" |2.863,72 €
| style="text-align: right;" |2.863,72 €
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Proventi da attività istituzionali''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Income from institutional activities''
| style="text-align: right;" |''527.490,15 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''527.490,15 €''
|Proventi da quote associative
|Income from membership fees
| style="text-align: right;" |8.044,30 €
| style="text-align: right;" |8.044,30 €
|Proventi da donazioni
| Proceeds from donations
| style="text-align: right;" |27.629,89 €
| style="text-align: right;" |27.629,89 €
|Cinque per mille
| style="text-align: right;" |491.815,96 €
| style="text-align: right;" |491.815,96 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Proventi e oneri finanziari'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''Financial income and expenses'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''458,05 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''458,05 €'''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |''Proventi finanziari diversi dai precedenti''
| colspan="2" rowspan="1" |'Other financial incomes''
| style="text-align: right;" |''458,05 €''
| style="text-align: right;" |''458,05 €''
|Interessi attivi
|Interest income
| style="text-align: right;" |7,93 €
| style="text-align: right;" |7,93 €
|Interessi attivi prestito sociale
|Social loan interest income
| style="text-align: right;" |450,12 €
| style="text-align: right;" |450,12 €
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |'''TOTALE ENTRATE'''
| colspan="3" rowspan="1" |''TOTAL REVENUE'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''558.880,10 €'''
| style="text-align: right;" |'''558.880,10 €'''
<br style="clear:both" />
<br style="clear:both" />
== Note ==
== Footsteps ==
# Le attività svolte nell'anno sono descritte dalla [[relazione sulle attività 2019]].
# All the activities of the 2019 are described in the [[relazione sulle attività 2019|Activities report]] available also in [[Relazione sulle attività 2019/en|the English version]].
# Rispetto agli anni precedenti, e a quanto previsto per il 2020, la voce "Contributi movimento Wikimedia" in uscita è molto più bassa. Solitamente la componente principale di quella voce è il trasferimento a Wikimedia Germania per il contributo alle spese delle [[m:EU_policy/Statement_of_Intent/it|attività presso l'Unione europea]], ma nel 2019 non c'è stato in quanto abbiamo contribuito in misura maggiore dell'ordinario nel 2018.
# The item "Contributi movimento Wikimedia" is lower if compared with the previous years. Usually the main part of this entry is a money transfer to Wikimedia Germany to contribute for the charge about [[m:EU_policy/Statement_of_Intent/it|activities at the EU]]. For this year there was not this entry because Wikimedia Italia contributed more than usual in 2018.
# "Spese per assicurazione" è il rinnovo automatico di contratti stipulati negli anni precedenti.
# "Insurance costs" is the automatic renew of the contracts stipulated in the past years.
# "Consulenze amministrative e legali", comprende le spese ordinarie per consulente del lavoro, tenuta contabile e consulenza legale. Nel 2019 a questi si sono aggiunte consulenze per la selezione del personale, l'adeguamento dello statuto al [[Associazione:Codice del terzo settore|Codice del terzo settore]] e una consulenza legale specifica per il programma ''Wiki Loves Monuments e patrimonio culturale''.
# "Administrative and legal consultancy", include the ordinary costs for labor consultant, bookkeeping and legal advice. For this year it include also the consultancy for the selection of personnel, adjustment of the statute (necessary for the [[Associazione:Codice del terzo settore|Third Sector Reform]]) and a specific consultancy for the program ''Wiki Loves Monuments e patrimonio culturale’’.
# "Spese per viaggi staff e volontari" unifica le voci "Spese per viaggi staff" e "Spese per viaggi soci/volontari" che nei precedenti bilanci erano distinte. Indicativamente due terzi delle spese sono state sostenute da volontari e un terzo da personale retribuito.
# "Staff and volunteer travel expenses" unifies the items "Staff travel expenses" and "Member / volunteer travel expenses" which were distinct in the previous financial statements. Approximately two thirds of the expenses were borne by volunteers and one third by paid staff.
# "Affitti passivi" comprende sale riunioni e spazi per ore o giornate. Non sono presenti oneri per l'ufficio presso BASE Milano, che per il 2019 è stato eccezionalmente a titolo gratuito.
# "Passive rentals" includes meeting rooms and spaces for hours or days. Exceptionally for the 2019, there are no charges for the office at BASE Milano.
# La componente principale della voce "Clienti" dello stato patrimoniale è una parte dell'accordo con BEIC, che è stato saldato a gennaio 2020.
# The main component of the "Customers" item of the balance sheet is a part of the agreement with BEIC, which was settled in January 2020.
# La voce "Fornitori" dello stato patrimoniale è composta da fatture ricevute nel 2019 ma, al 31 dicembre, non ancora saldate. Si tratta quasi esclusivamente di fatture ricevute negli ultimi giorni dell'anno e pagate a inizio 2020.
# The "Suppliers" item consists of invoices received in 2019 but, as of December 31st, not yet paid. These are almost exclusively invoices received in the last days of the year and paid at the beginning of 2020.
# "Partecipazioni in altre imprese" comprende la quota associativa alla cooperativa Dar Casa (25,82 €) e le quote di CGM Finance (2500 €).
# "Equity investments in other companies" include the membership fee to cooperativa Dar Casa (25,82 €) e and the shares of CGM Finance (2500 €).
# I "Crediti immobilizzati verso imprese controllate" sono depositi aperti presso la cooperativa Dar Casa e CGM Finance, secondo la [[politica di investimento finanziario]]. Tutti i depositi sono liquidabili con un preavviso che, a seconda dei casi, va da 1 a 30 giorni.
# "Long-term receivables from investee companies" are deposits opened at the cooperative Dar Casa and CGM Finance, according to [[politica di investimento finanziario|financial investment policy]]. All deposits can be liquidated with notice which ranges from 1 to 30 days depending on the case.
# Il rapporto fra la retribuzione lorda più alta e la più bassa dei dipendenti nell'arco dell'anno è di 1,44. Il rapporto calcolato fra i soli dipendenti al 31 dicembre 2019 è di 1,29. Nel calcolo è considerata la retribuzione annua lorda definita dal contratto individuale, che può non corrispondere a quanto effettivamente percepito per via di contratti avviati o conclusi durante l'anno, congedi, straordinari, ecc.
# The ratio between the highest and lowest gross salary of employees over the year is 1.44. This ratio is calculated among the employees alone as at 31 December 2019 is 1.29. The calculation considers the gross annual salary defined by the individual contract, which may not correspond to what is actually received due to contracts started or concluded during the year, leave, overtime, etc.
===Major public contributions===
===Contributi pubblici principali===
As required by law 124/2017, paragraph 125, it follows a list of the public contributions (grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case economic benefits of any kind) received by the association in 2019.
Come da legge 124/2017, comma 125, segue un elenco di contributi pubblici (sovvenzioni, contributi, incarichi retribuiti e comunque vantaggi economici di qualunque genere) ricevuti dall'associazione nel corso del 2019, peraltro già pubblicati nel corso dell'anno.
This list was published during the year.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Data!!Importo !!Ente pubblico!!Attività
!Date!!Amount!!Public authority!!Activity
|09/04/2019||€459,00||Unione dei Comuni del Montiferru e Alto Campidano||Formazione in biblioteca
|09/04/2019||€459,00||Unione dei Comuni del Montiferru e Alto Campidano||Training in the library
|31/05/2019||€290,00||Fondazione Edmund Mach||Formazione in biblioteca
|31/05/2019||€290,00||Fondazione Edmund Mach||Training in the library
|22/07/2019||€4.880,00||Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C||Formazione agli studenti del corso di laurea triennale
|22/07/2019||€4.880,00||Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C||Training for university students
|25/07/2019||€671,00||LICEO SCIENTIFICO - ENRICO MEDI - Uff_eFatturaPA||Corso di formazione anno 2018/2019
|25/07/2019||€671,00||LICEO SCIENTIFICO - ENRICO MEDI - Uff_eFatturaPA||Training course for the year 2018/2019
|26/07/2019||€1.220,00||Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C|| Assistenza per il corso alla Scuola di Dottorato Science, Technology, Society and Wikipedia
|26/07/2019||€1.220,00||Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C|| Assistence for the Ph.D. course Science, Technology, Society and Wikipedia
|16/10/2019||€225,00||Banca D'Italia - Divisione Segreteria Dipartimento ECS||Partecipazione di una funzionaria alla Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
|16/10/2019||€225,00||Banca D'Italia - Divisione Segreteria Dipartimento ECS||Participation of a functionary at the Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
|10/10/2019||€250,00||Universita Degli Studi di Genova - Area apprendimento permanente e orientamento||Partecipazione di una funzionaria alla Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
|10/10/2019||€250,00||Università Degli Studi di Genova - Area apprendimento permanente e orientamento||Participation of a functionary at the Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
|02/12/2019||€10.500,00||Fondazione Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura||Wikipediano in Residenza - Anno 2018
|02/12/2019||€10.500,00||Fondazione Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura||Wikipedian in residence - Anno 2018
| ||'''€20.259,00'''||'''Totale contributi da enti pubblici'''||
| ||'''€20.259,00'''||'''Total contributions from public institutions'''||
L'elenco è per cassa, e sono indicate le date di effettiva ricezione del pagamento; alcuni contributi potrebbero essere di competenza del 2018, e non sono indicati contributi di competenza del 2019 ma non ancora incassati.
The list is for cash, and the dates of actual receipt of payment are indicated. Some contributions may fall within 2018, so are not indicated as related to 2019 but not yet collected.
===Compensi ai soci===
L'associazione si avvale del lavoro di dipendenti, collaboratori e professionisti. È possibile che le persone che ricevono questi incarichi, tipicamente assegnati a seguito di una procedura di selezione aperta e sempre nel rispetto del [[regolamento sul conflitto d'interessi]], siano soci. Nel 2019 questi sono stati in totale 14.815,53 , divisi come segue.
===Remuneration to shareholders===
The association makes use of the work of employees, collaborators and professionals. It is possible that the people who receive these positions, typically assigned following an open selection procedure and always in compliance with the [[regolamento sul conflitto d'interessi|regulation on conflict of interest]], are members. In 2019 these were a total of € 14,815.53, divided as follows.
{| border="1" class="wikitable"
{| border="1" class="wikitable"
|Compensi ai soci per prestazioni professionali|| €2.640,00
|Payments to members for professional services|| €2.640,00
|Compensi ai soci per prestazioni occasionali|| €1.450,00
|Payments to shareholders for occasional services|| €1.450,00
|Compensi ai soci per collaborazioni coordinate e continuative|| €10.725,53
|Payments to shareholders for coordinated and ongoing collaborations|| €10.725,53
|'''Compensi totali ai soci'''||'''€14.815,53'''
|'''Total remuneration to shareholders'''||'''€14.815,53'''
Nessun dipendente dell'associazione durante il 2019 è socio. Nessun componente del consiglio direttivo ha ricevuto compensi.
No employee of the association during 2019 is a member. No member of the board of the directive received any compensation.
[[Categoria:Bilanci approvati|2019]]
[[Categoria:Bilanci approvati|2019]]

Versione attuale delle 10:24, 15 set 2020

This is an English translation of Utente:Bilancio consuntivo 2019 Flag of Italy.svg,
it may be not updated or may be different from the original

The final balance 2019 was discussed and approved on the 21th April 2020 during the Assembly.

Balance Sheet

Customers 16.010,28 €
Customers in Italy 16.010,28 €
Liquids Founds 622.916,96 €
Banks 622.296,24 €
Intesa San Paolo 334.470,41 €
Unicredit 252.172,30 €
Bancoposta 12.148,15 €
PayPal 23.505,38 €
Cash-in-hand and cash equivalents 620,72 €
Cash-in-hand and cash equivalents 88,18 €
Prepaid debit cards and credit cards 532,54 €
Financial Fixed Assets 323.073,00 €
Equity investments in other companies 2.525,82 €
Others Investments 2.525,82 €
Long-term receivables from investee companies 320.531,35 €
Dar Casa 70.531,35 €
CGM Finance 250.015,83 €
Various credits 387,38 €
Receivables from the tax authorities in 12 months 320,04 €
Receivables from the tax authorities (bonus dl 66/2014) 320,04 €
Social security and welfare institutions in 12 months 67,34 €
INAIL 67,34 €
TOTAL ASSETS 962.387,62 €
Suppliers 6.160,48 €
Suppliers in Italy 6.160,48 €
Cash and cash equivalent 799,89 €
Cash 799,89 €
Credit cards 799,89 €
Net worth 644.281,62 €
Reserves 100.000,00 €
Management Found 70.000,00 €
Endowment fund 30.000,00 €
Profits and losses from previous years 544.281,62 €
Profits from previous years 544.281,62 €
Provisions for risks, charges and severance pay 22.047,36 €
Seniority indemnity funds 22.047,36 €
Severance pay provision found 22.047,36 €
Various debts 17.185,01 €
Tax debts 6.085,05 €
Withholding employees 1.488,71 €
Withholding self-employment 624,00 €
Vat 1.964,92 €
Tax debts 1.957,00 €
Debts to the tax authorities for substitute tax on severance pay 50,42 €
Social security and welfare institutions in 12 months 4.233,00 €
INPS 3.690,00 €
INPS co. co. co. 543,00 €
Debts to employee 6.866,96 €
Wages and salaries 6.866,96 €

Statement of income

Value of production 166.046,89 €
Raw, ancillary and consumable materials and goods 7.683,72 €
Purchase consumables 1.511,62 €
Expenses for promotional and advertising materials 4.770,93 €
Stationery and office products 1.401,17 €
Costs for services 155.262,58 €
Expenses for promotional / advertising services 3.369,00 €
Spese per organizzazione eventi 6.945,81 €
Expenses for event organization 2.439,51 €
Expenses for postal services and transport 1.473,94 €
Compensation for professional services 24.316,35 €
Administrative and legal consultancy 25.332,06 €
Telephone charges 1.681,36 €
Coordinated and ongoing collaborations 25.607,00 €
Social Charges co. co. co. 4.776,94 €
Banking and payment services 3.174,26 €
Other servicies 266,13 €
Fees for casual workers 7.874,00 €
Software service charges 5.989,27 €
Training expenses 658,04 €
Web servicies expenses 8.645,82 €
Travel expenses for staff and volunteers 32.713,09 €
’'Cost of third party assets 3.100,59 €
Rents 3.100,59 €
Personnel cost 102.973,69 €
Wages and salaries 76.137,74 €
Wages and salaries 76.137,74 €
Social security contributions 20.215,28 €
Employee social charges 19.856,82 €
INAIL 358,46 €
’'Severance pay 6.620,67 €
Provision for T.F.R. 6.620,67 €
Provisions and other expenses' 12.510,47 €
Various management charges 12.510,47 €
Ordinary contingent liabilities 9.998,01 €
Books and newspapers 2.150,00 €
Wikimedia movement contributions 320,00 €
Tax penalties for industrious repentance 42,46 €
Financial income and expenses 4,79 €
Interest and other financial charges 4,79 €
Passive rounding 3,04 €
Passive interests and duties 1,75 €
Extraordinary income and charges, taxes 5.431,00 €
Income taxes 5.431,00 €
IRES from non-deductible exercise 887,00 €
IRAP from non-deductible exercise 4.544,00 €
TOTAL OUTPUTS' 286.966,84 €
'Production value and various revenues 558.422,05 €
Revenues from sales and services 27.817,77 €
Revenues from training courses 27.817,77 €
Other income 3.114,13 €
Ordinary contingent assets 250,41 €
Revenues from flat rate VAT for special schemes 2.863,72 €
Income from institutional activities 527.490,15 €
Income from membership fees 8.044,30 €
Proceeds from donations 27.629,89 €
5X1000 491.815,96 €
Financial income and expenses 458,05 €
’'Other financial incomes 458,05 €
Interest income 7,93 €
Social loan interest income 450,12 €
TOTAL REVENUE' 558.880,10 €


  1. All the activities of the 2019 are described in the Activities report available also in the English version.
  2. The item "Contributi movimento Wikimedia" is lower if compared with the previous years. Usually the main part of this entry is a money transfer to Wikimedia Germany to contribute for the charge about activities at the EU. For this year there was not this entry because Wikimedia Italia contributed more than usual in 2018.
  3. "Insurance costs" is the automatic renew of the contracts stipulated in the past years.
  4. "Administrative and legal consultancy", include the ordinary costs for labor consultant, bookkeeping and legal advice. For this year it include also the consultancy for the selection of personnel, adjustment of the statute (necessary for the Third Sector Reform) and a specific consultancy for the program Wiki Loves Monuments e patrimonio culturale’’.
  5. "Staff and volunteer travel expenses" unifies the items "Staff travel expenses" and "Member / volunteer travel expenses" which were distinct in the previous financial statements. Approximately two thirds of the expenses were borne by volunteers and one third by paid staff.
  6. "Passive rentals" includes meeting rooms and spaces for hours or days. Exceptionally for the 2019, there are no charges for the office at BASE Milano.
  7. The main component of the "Customers" item of the balance sheet is a part of the agreement with BEIC, which was settled in January 2020.
  8. The "Suppliers" item consists of invoices received in 2019 but, as of December 31st, not yet paid. These are almost exclusively invoices received in the last days of the year and paid at the beginning of 2020.
  9. "Equity investments in other companies" include the membership fee to cooperativa Dar Casa (25,82 €) e and the shares of CGM Finance (2500 €).
  10. "Long-term receivables from investee companies" are deposits opened at the cooperative Dar Casa and CGM Finance, according to financial investment policy. All deposits can be liquidated with notice which ranges from 1 to 30 days depending on the case.
  11. The ratio between the highest and lowest gross salary of employees over the year is 1.44. This ratio is calculated among the employees alone as at 31 December 2019 is 1.29. The calculation considers the gross annual salary defined by the individual contract, which may not correspond to what is actually received due to contracts started or concluded during the year, leave, overtime, etc.


Major public contributions

As required by law 124/2017, paragraph 125, it follows a list of the public contributions (grants, contributions, paid assignments and in any case economic benefits of any kind) received by the association in 2019. This list was published during the year.

Date Amount Public authority Activity
09/04/2019 €459,00 Unione dei Comuni del Montiferru e Alto Campidano Training in the library
31/05/2019 €290,00 Fondazione Edmund Mach Training in the library
22/07/2019 €4.880,00 Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C Training for university students
25/07/2019 €671,00 LICEO SCIENTIFICO - ENRICO MEDI - Uff_eFatturaPA Training course for the year 2018/2019
26/07/2019 €1.220,00 Politecnico di Milano - DCMC - Dipartimento di Chimica, materiali e Ingegneria C Assistence for the Ph.D. course Science, Technology, Society and Wikipedia
16/10/2019 €225,00 Banca D'Italia - Divisione Segreteria Dipartimento ECS Participation of a functionary at the Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
10/10/2019 €250,00 Università Degli Studi di Genova - Area apprendimento permanente e orientamento Participation of a functionary at the Summer school "I progetti Wikimedia per le istituzioni culturali" - Milano, 9-13 settembre 2019
02/12/2019 €10.500,00 Fondazione Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura Wikipedian in residence - Anno 2018
€20.259,00 Total contributions from public institutions

The list is for cash, and the dates of actual receipt of payment are indicated. Some contributions may fall within 2018, so are not indicated as related to 2019 but not yet collected.

Remuneration to shareholders

The association makes use of the work of employees, collaborators and professionals. It is possible that the people who receive these positions, typically assigned following an open selection procedure and always in compliance with the regulation on conflict of interest, are members. In 2019 these were a total of € 14,815.53, divided as follows.

Payments to members for professional services €2.640,00
Payments to shareholders for occasional services €1.450,00
Payments to shareholders for coordinated and ongoing collaborations €10.725,53
Total remuneration to shareholders €14.815,53

No employee of the association during 2019 is a member. No member of the board of the directive received any compensation.