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Riga 3: Riga 3:
[[File:Conferenza_stampa_Archeowiki_2013.JPG|450px|thumb|center| Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]]]
[[File:Conferenza_stampa_Archeowiki_2013.JPG|450px|thumb|center| Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]]]
== Archeowiki Press Release ==
== Archaeowiki Press Release ==
<!--Giovedì 7 novembre si è tenuta a Milano la conferenza stampa del progetto [http://www.archeowiki.it Archeowiki. Nuovi archeologi in Lombardia. Percorsi reali e virtuali.] nella suggestiva cornice della Sala Tiepolo presso la sede di Fondazione Cariplo (ente co-finanziatore). Di fronte a una platea numerosa e variegata hanno presentato l'iniziativa Dario Bolis (''Direttore Comunicazione e Relazioni Esterne Fondazione Cariplo''), Frieda Brioschi (''Presidente di Wikimedia Italia''), Grazia Facchinetti (''Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia'') e Filippo Del Corno (''Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano''). Il pubblico ha mostrato molto interesse verso Archeowiki, i suoi valori, tra cui la condivisione della conoscenza come motore dello crescita e il suo scopo principale, ovvero l'avvicinare nuovi utenti all'archeologia, soprattutto giovani studenti, anziani e diversamente abili. È stato molto apprezzato, inoltre, il fatto che l'attenzione sia rivolta verso i musei archeologici meno noti della Lombardia.
Thursday, November 7th a press conference of the project [http://www.archeowiki.it Archeowiki. New archaeologist in Lombardia. Real and virtual paths] was held in Milan, in the picturesque setting of the Tiepolo room at the headquarters of the Cariplo Foundation (co-financing organization ). Faced with a large and varied audience Dario Bolis (''Director of Communications and External Relations in Cariplo''), Frieda Brioschi (''President of Wikimedia Italia''), Grazia Facchinetti (''Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardy'') and Filippo Del Corno (''City Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan'') presented the initiative. The public showed great interest in Archaeowiki: both for its values​​, including the sharing of knowledge as an engine of growth, and for its main purpose, namely attracting new users to archeology, especially young students, elderly people and the disabled. It was much appreciated, also, the fact that the project leans towards the less-known archaeological museums of Lombardy.  
A seguito dell'incontro, diversi siti e testate online hanno riportato la notizia: [http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio-news/milano-14:57/11890  Repubblica], [http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/MibacUnif/Comunicati/visualizza_asset.html_53945580.html Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo], [http://www.comune.milano.it/portale/wps/portal/CDM?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/ContentLibrary/giornale/giornale/tutte+le+notizie+new/assessore+alla+cultura/archeowiki_viaggio_raccolte_extrauropee Comune di Milano].
Ricordiamo che sono disponibili ancora alcuni posti per le scuole; se interessati potete contattare la segreteria di Wikimedia Italia [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it].-->
Following the meeting, several sites and online newspapers reported the news: [http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio-news/milano-14:57/11890 La Repubblica], [http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/MibacUnif/Comunicati/visualizza_asset.html_53945580.html Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities], [http://www.comune.milano.it/portale/wps/portal/CDM?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/ContentLibrary/giornale/giornale/tutte+le+notizie+new/assessore+alla+cultura/archeowiki_viaggio_raccolte_extrauropee the City of Milan].
A few places for schools are still available. If you are interested, contact the secretary of Wikimedia Italia [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it].
== Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia ==
== Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia ==
<!-- È finalmente giunto il momento della verità: siamo pronti per proclamare i vincitori di [http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2013]. L'appuntamento è per '''sabato 23 novembre''', alle ore '''17:00''', presso la '''Libreria Hoepli''' di Milano (Via Hoepli 5). Vi aspettiamo numerosi! -->
The time is finally over: we are ready to announce the winners of [http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 Italia]. The appointment is for '''Saturday, November 23''', at '''17:00''' at the '''Libreria Hoepli''' in Milano (Via Hoepli 5). See you there!
== WMI supports the creation of the Italian chapter of  OpenStreetMap Foundation ==
== WMI supports the creation of the Italian chapter of  OpenStreetMap Foundation ==
<!-- La comunità italiana di [http://blog.openstreetmap.it/ '''OpenStreetMap]''' è in fermento: da tempo ci si confronta sulla necessità di creare anche nel nostro Paese un capitolo della [http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page OSM Foundation] e, nel corso dell'ultima edizione di [http://conf.openstreetmap.it/ OSMit], la conferenza italiana della comunità di OpenStreetMap, si è presa in considerazione [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Associazione:Assemblea_WMI_ottobre_2013/Verbale#OpenStreetMap l'idea] di far diventare WMI capitolo italiano di OSM Foundation. La proposta è piaciuta anche ai soci di Wikimedia Italia, tanto che oggi vengono chiamati a raccolta tutti coloro che desiderano contribuire alla creazione di '''OpenStreetMap Italia''': basta infatti [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Iscrizioni iscriversi a Wikimedia Italia], indicando come causale "''per costituire il capitolo OSM italiano''". La nostra associazione, raggiunti 10 nuovi soci che sottoscrivano lo scopo, inizierà a definirsi anche come "Gruppo di lavoro per OSM Italia". A quota 25, invece, farà richiesta a OSM Foundation per diventare capitolo italiano ufficiale. Anche chi è già socio può concorrere al raggiungimento della quota: basta aver effettuato almeno cinquanta modifiche su OpenStreetMap e avere all'attivo almeno tre mesi di contributi in questo senso. Non perdete tempo, iscrivetevi per partecipare attivamente alla diffusione di OSM in Italia! -->
The Italian community of [http://blog.openstreetmap.it/ '''OpenStreetMap'''] is in turmoil: since long it is considering to  to create in our country to a chapter of the [http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page OSM Foundation] and during the last edition of [http://conf.openstreetmap.it/ OSMit], the Conference of the Italian community of OpenStreetMap, the idea of letting WMI become the Italian chapter of OSM Foundation was debated. The proposal was liked by members of Wikimedia Italy, so today all those who wish to contribute to the creation of '''OpenStreetMap Italia''' are called to arms: you can just subscribe to Wikimedia Italia, indicating as reason "to build the Italian OSM chapter." Our association, achieved 10 new members who sign with this purpose, will begin to define themselves also as the "Working Group for the Italian OSM chapter." When 25 users are reached, a request to OSM Foundation will be made to become the official Italian chapter. Even someone who is already a member can help achieve the quota: it's enough to make at least fifty changes on OpenStreetMap assets, and have at least three months of contributions in this regard. Do not delay! sign up to participate actively in the dissemination of OSM in Italy!
== Presentation di Sestopedia ==
== Presentation of Sestopedia ==
<!-- Venerdì 8 novembre, presso il Mage di Sesto San Giovanni, è stato ufficialmente presentato il progetto [http://www.sestopedia.it/ Sestopedia]: per Wikimedia Italia era presente [[:it:Utente:.mau.|.mau.]]. Sestopedia, nato da un'idea della regista e sceneggiatrice Giusi Castelli e realizzato a cura di Associazione Lavoro e Integrazione onlus, si ispira a quanto fatto nella cittadina gallese di [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/MonmouthpediA Monmouth], che è stata completamente "wikipedizzata" con il concorso dei cittadini. Sesto San Giovanni, che si è proposta all'Unesco come sito patrimonio dell'umanità per il suo patrimonio di archeologia industriale, vorrebbe riprendere questa iniziativa, con l'aiuto di Wikimedia Italia per la parte di alfabetizzazione informatica. -->
Friday, November 8, at the Mage in Sesto San Giovanni, the project Sestopedia was officially presented: Wikimedia Italy was represented by [[:it:Utente:.mau.|.mau.]]. Sestopedia, the brainchild of director and screenwriter Giusi Castelli and implemented by the non-profit organization Associazione Lavoro e Integrazione (Association for Employment and Integration), is based on what has been done in the Welsh town of [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/MonmouthpediA Monmouth], which was completely "wikipedized" with the participation of their citizens. Sesto San Giovanni, which made a proposal to UNESCO to be insertes as World Heritage Site for its rich heritage of industrial architecture, would like to take this initiative, with the help of Wikimedia Italia for the part of computer literacy.
== Future Appointments ==
== Future Appointments ==
Riga 24: Riga 25:
* November 16, Ivrea: at [ Officina H] the meeting [http://www.didatticaaperta.it/ '''Didattica Aperta'''] (Open Education) is scheduled. The theme of the meeting is "Free access to software and knowledge in the School and University". The event will provide an opportunity to discuss sharing of knowledge and free resources in training. The invitation is extended to everybody, but places are limited. To register, simply fill out the [http://www.didatticaaperta.it/registrazione-2013 form on the site].
* November 16, Ivrea: at [ Officina H] the meeting [http://www.didatticaaperta.it/ '''Didattica Aperta'''] (Open Education) is scheduled. The theme of the meeting is "Free access to software and knowledge in the School and University". The event will provide an opportunity to discuss sharing of knowledge and free resources in training. The invitation is extended to everybody, but places are limited. To register, simply fill out the [http://www.didatticaaperta.it/registrazione-2013 form on the site].
<!-- * 18 novembre: apre alle 18.00 la mostra dedicata all'edizione di Monza e Brianza di [http://www.wikilovesmonuments.it/ Wiki Loves Monuments]. Fino al 30 novembre le migliori fotografie saranno esposte presso la bellissima Saletta Reale, in corrispondenza del binario 1 della stazione ferroviaria di Monza. Orari di apertura dal 19 novembre: da martedì a sabato dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.00 e su appuntamento, in collaborazione con l'[http://www.amicimuseimonza.it/ Associazione Amici dei Musei di Monza e Brianza Onlus].
* November 18, Monza: at 18.00 the exhibition dedicated to the edition of Monza and Brianza of Wiki Loves Monuments opens. Until November 30 the best photographs will be exhibited at the beautiful Saletta Reale, near track 1 of the Monza train station. Opening hours from November 19: Tuesday to Saturday from 15.00 to 18.00 and by appointment, in collaboration with the non-profit organization Association of Friends of Museums of Monza and Brianza .
* 18 e 27 novembre e 4 dicembre, Mestre: continuano gli incontri del progetto [http://sbuvenezia.comune.venezia.it/easyne2/LYT.aspx?Code=bcve&IDLYT=1211&ST=SQL&SQL=ID_Documento=25460 Wiki VEZ].
* 24 novembre - 1° dicembre: buon compleanno [https://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikisource]! Il progetto [https://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Compleanno_di_Wikisource compie dieci anni] e le comunità linguistiche internazionali si stanno organizzando per festeggiare la ricorrenza al meglio. Anche la compagine italiana partecipa alla festa e bandisce un concorso di rilettura: al vincitore, un ebook reader offerto da Wikimedia Italia. La gara sarà aperta dal 24 novembre (alle 00.00) fino al 1 Dicembre (alle 23:59).
* November 18 and 27, December 4, Mestre: the meetings of the project [http://sbuvenezia.comune.venezia.it/easyne2/LYT.aspx?Code=bcve&IDLYT=1211&ST=SQL&SQL=ID_Documento=25460 Wiki VEZ] keep going on.
* 25 e 26 novembre, Trento: [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:GLAM/Biblioteche/Bibliohackathon/Trento,_25_e_26_novembre_2013 Bibliohackathon], promossa da [http://www.fbk.eu/ Fondazione Bruno Kessler], [http://www.mart.trento.it/ MART] e Wikimedia Italia.
* November 24 - December 1: happy birthday [https://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Pagina_principale Wikisource]! The project [https://it.wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Compleanno_di_Wikisource is ten years old] and the international language communities are organizing a celebration of the anniversary at its best. The Italian team also joins the party and announces a competition to re-reading and proofing text in Wikisource: the winner will get an ebook reader offered by Wikimedia Italia. The competition will be open from 24 November (00.00) until December 1st (23:59).
* 29 novembre, Roma: Workshop [http://www.iccu.sbn.it/opencms/opencms/it/archivionovita/2013/novita_0046.html Linked open data (LOD): un’opportunità per il patrimonio culturale digitale.] promosso da ICCU. Tra i docenti [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Sannita Luca Martinelli] di Wikimedia Italia. [http://www.otebac.it/index.php?it/22/archivio-eventi/245/linked-open-data-lod-unopportunit-per-il-patrimonio-culturale-digitale Qui] il programma. È necessaria l'[http://www.otebac.it/index.php?it/358/cedola-di-registrazione-roma-29-novembre-2013 iscrizione online].  
* November 25 and 26, Trento: [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:GLAM/Biblioteche/Bibliohackathon/Trento,_25_e_26_novembre_2013 Bibliohackathon], promoted by [http://www.fbk.eu/ Fondazione Bruno Kessler], [http://www.mart.trento.it/ MART] and Wikimedia Italia.
* 4 dicembre, Firenze: BTO2013 (Buy Tourism Online). [[Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]] (''Presidente di Wikimedia Italia'') parlerà dell'esperienza di Wiki Loves Monuments all'interno del panel [http://www.buytourismonline.com/eventi/liberta-partecipazione/ "Libertà e partecipazione"]. -->
* November 29, Rome: Workshop [http://www.iccu.sbn.it/opencms/opencms/it/archivionovita/2013/novita_0046.html Linked open data (LOD): an opportunity for digital cultural heritage], promoted by ICCU. Among the teachers, [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Sannita Luca Martinelli] of Wikimedia Italia. [http://www.otebac.it/index.php?it/22/archivio-eventi/245/linked-open-data-lod-unopportunit-per-il-patrimonio-culturale-digitale Here] the programme. It is necessary an [http://www.otebac.it/index.php?it/358/cedola-di-registrazione-roma-29-novembre-2013 online subscription].
* December 4, Florence: BTO2013 (Buy Tourism Online). [[Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]] (''President of Wikimedia Italia'') will talk about the experience of Wiki Loves Monuments within the panel [http://www.buytourismonline.com/eventi/liberta-partecipazione/ "Libertà e partecipazione"].

Versione attuale delle 16:19, 14 nov 2013

Wikimedia News no. 64 - November 14, 2013

WikimediaNews - no. 64 - November 14, 2013
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.
Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]

Archaeowiki Press Release

Thursday, November 7th a press conference of the project Archeowiki. New archaeologist in Lombardia. Real and virtual paths was held in Milan, in the picturesque setting of the Tiepolo room at the headquarters of the Cariplo Foundation (co-financing organization ). Faced with a large and varied audience Dario Bolis (Director of Communications and External Relations in Cariplo), Frieda Brioschi (President of Wikimedia Italia), Grazia Facchinetti (Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardy) and Filippo Del Corno (City Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan) presented the initiative. The public showed great interest in Archaeowiki: both for its values​​, including the sharing of knowledge as an engine of growth, and for its main purpose, namely attracting new users to archeology, especially young students, elderly people and the disabled. It was much appreciated, also, the fact that the project leans towards the less-known archaeological museums of Lombardy.

Following the meeting, several sites and online newspapers reported the news: La Repubblica, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the City of Milan.

A few places for schools are still available. If you are interested, contact the secretary of Wikimedia Italia segreteria@wikimedia.it.

Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia

The time is finally over: we are ready to announce the winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 Italia. The appointment is for Saturday, November 23, at 17:00 at the Libreria Hoepli in Milano (Via Hoepli 5). See you there!

WMI supports the creation of the Italian chapter of OpenStreetMap Foundation

The Italian community of OpenStreetMap is in turmoil: since long it is considering to to create in our country to a chapter of the OSM Foundation and during the last edition of OSMit, the Conference of the Italian community of OpenStreetMap, the idea of letting WMI become the Italian chapter of OSM Foundation was debated. The proposal was liked by members of Wikimedia Italy, so today all those who wish to contribute to the creation of OpenStreetMap Italia are called to arms: you can just subscribe to Wikimedia Italia, indicating as reason "to build the Italian OSM chapter." Our association, achieved 10 new members who sign with this purpose, will begin to define themselves also as the "Working Group for the Italian OSM chapter." When 25 users are reached, a request to OSM Foundation will be made to become the official Italian chapter. Even someone who is already a member can help achieve the quota: it's enough to make at least fifty changes on OpenStreetMap assets, and have at least three months of contributions in this regard. Do not delay! sign up to participate actively in the dissemination of OSM in Italy!

Presentation of Sestopedia

Friday, November 8, at the Mage in Sesto San Giovanni, the project Sestopedia was officially presented: Wikimedia Italy was represented by .mau.. Sestopedia, the brainchild of director and screenwriter Giusi Castelli and implemented by the non-profit organization Associazione Lavoro e Integrazione (Association for Employment and Integration), is based on what has been done in the Welsh town of Monmouth, which was completely "wikipedized" with the participation of their citizens. Sesto San Giovanni, which made a proposal to UNESCO to be insertes as World Heritage Site for its rich heritage of industrial architecture, would like to take this initiative, with the help of Wikimedia Italia for the part of computer literacy.

Future Appointments

  • November 14, Stra (VE): for the Week of the enterprise culture of Confindustria, the Museo Rossimoda of the shoe, together with Europeana Fashion, organizes at its headquarters in Villa Foscarini Rossi an edithaton. Privileged recipients: students of the University of Padua and the IUAV of Venice whose studies are related to marketing and fashion design. Hours 10-16. For Wikimedia Italy Virginia Gentilini will attend.
  • November 16, Ivrea: at Officina H the meeting Didattica Aperta (Open Education) is scheduled. The theme of the meeting is "Free access to software and knowledge in the School and University". The event will provide an opportunity to discuss sharing of knowledge and free resources in training. The invitation is extended to everybody, but places are limited. To register, simply fill out the form on the site.
  • November 18, Monza: at 18.00 the exhibition dedicated to the edition of Monza and Brianza of Wiki Loves Monuments opens. Until November 30 the best photographs will be exhibited at the beautiful Saletta Reale, near track 1 of the Monza train station. Opening hours from November 19: Tuesday to Saturday from 15.00 to 18.00 and by appointment, in collaboration with the non-profit organization Association of Friends of Museums of Monza and Brianza .
  • November 18 and 27, December 4, Mestre: the meetings of the project Wiki VEZ keep going on.
  • November 24 - December 1: happy birthday Wikisource! The project is ten years old and the international language communities are organizing a celebration of the anniversary at its best. The Italian team also joins the party and announces a competition to re-reading and proofing text in Wikisource: the winner will get an ebook reader offered by Wikimedia Italia. The competition will be open from 24 November (00.00) until December 1st (23:59).

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product