Differenze tra le versioni di "GLAM/Archivi"

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Riga 19: Riga 19:
* [http://mailman.wikimedia.it/private/associazione/2010-January/016436.html Archivio diffuso del Vajont].
* [http://mailman.wikimedia.it/private/associazione/2010-January/016436.html Archivio diffuso del Vajont].
* Archivio del Monte Adamello: archivisti conosciuti da Aubrey, giovani e attenti alla tematica delle Creative Commons. Potrebbero rilasciare liberamente (addirittura in CC-BY-SA) foto a bassa risoluzione.
* Archivio del Monte Adamello: archivisti conosciuti da Aubrey, giovani e attenti alla tematica delle Creative Commons. Potrebbero rilasciare liberamente (addirittura in CC-BY-SA) foto a bassa risoluzione.
<!-- Parte da rivedere
;Why should a cultural institution donate/partner with Wikimedia
* It fits in closely with the core mission of the cultural institution of preserving heritage and history.
* It step jumps the  GLAM institution’s reach by increasing potential audiences.
* Footfalls to the GLAM institution are likely to increase through greater awareness of the institute’s collection and knowledge.
* It will provide a well-tested platform for the digitisation efforts of the GLAM institution. Staff will find it satisfying given its global reach and impact.
* There is a strong likelihood of higher public relations coverage of the GLAM institute because of the Wikipedia’s goodwill.
* We are a not for profit organisation, (when talking to most GLAMs you can say We are a fellow not for profit organisation).
=== [http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/Al_Jazeera Al Jazeera] ===
;Ha rilasciato video in CC-BY-NC e CC-BY-ND
Arab TV news station [http://english.aljazeera.net/ Al Jazeera] agreed to re-license video footage, previously released under a&nbsp;Creative Commons license with [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ non-commercial] or [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ non-derivative] restrictions. These videos, which show clashes between police and protesters on Cairo’s 6th October Bridge in January 2011, were re-licensed under the freer [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ CC-BY-SA] license, allowing them to be uploaded to [[commons:|Wikimedia Commons]].
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/Archives_of_American_Art Archives of American Art] ===
;Wikipediano in residenza
;Donazione immagini
The Smithsonian Institution's [http://www.aaa.si.edu/ Archives of American Art] developed a Wikipedian-in-Residence program with a focus to improve content on Wikipedia related to American art history, donate images to Wikimedia Commons, and to develop relationships with Wikimedian volunteers through online and in-person events and activities.
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/British_Library British Library] ===
;Editathon (wikipediani guidati da esperti che scrivono voci insieme)
[[wmuk:|Wikimedia&nbsp;UK]] and the [http://www.bl.uk/ British Library’s] Digital Research & Curator team organized multiple "Editathon" events at the British Library to engage Wikipedians who were guided by the expertise of British Library curators to improve content on [http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia] relevant to the British Library’s collections.
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/British_Museum British Museum] ===
;Wikipediano in residenza (il primo)
;Premio per miglior articolo
;Pass nel backstage per alcuni wikipediani
;Editathon (wikipediani guidati da esperti che scrivono un unico articolo)
The [http://www.britishmuseum.org British Museum] has developed multiple partnerships with the [[wmuk:|UK&nbsp;Wikimedia Chapter]] including the Backstage Pass tour, the "Hoxne Challenge" and the Featured Article Prize. The British Museum also served as the first GLAM to host a&nbsp;Wikipedian In Residence.
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/German_Federal_Archives German Federal Archives] ===
;Donazioni immagini
From autumn&nbsp;2007 to December&nbsp;2008, the German Federal Archives (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) partnering with the [[wmde:|Wikimedia Germany]] uploaded 100,000 images to the [[commons:|Commons]].
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/Milwaukee_Arts_Board Milwaukee Arts Board] ===
;Creazione di una lista pubblica di sculture
The [http://city.milwaukee.gov/MAB Milwaukee Arts Board], in collaboration with [[w:en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Public art|WikiProject Public Art]] students from the [http://www4.uwm.edu University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee] and the [http://www.miad.edu Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design] undertook a&nbsp;project to create a&nbsp;comprehensive listing of the city’s public sculpture and creating 63&nbsp;articles.
===[http://outreach.wikimedia.org/GLAM/Case_studies/National_Library_of_France National Library of France] ===
;Donazione di 1400 scansioni di libri, messi su Wikisource
[http://www.wikimedia.fr Wikimedia France] signed an agreement with the [http://www.bnf.fr Bibliothèque nationale de France] to provide the [[s:fr:|French Wikisource]] with 1400&nbsp;public domain texts that had been prepared for the library’s Gallica web resource.
===[NARA] ===
;Wikipediano in residenza
Qui sotto, pubblichiamo una lettera di Dominic McDevitt-Parks, il wikipediano in residenza al NARA.
:I wanted to draw your attention to the US National Archives' new Open Government Plan for 2012-2014[1], which they just recently released. I am really proud of this publication, and I think it shows how far we've come. On page 1, David Ferriero writes:
:Knowing we do not have all the answers, we are creating opportunities for citizens to provide substantive contributions, including tags, transcripts, and images. [...] We welcomed a Wikipedian-in-Residence and continue to collaborate on projects, scan-a-thons, and to contribute high resolution digital images to the Wikimedia Commons.  Our work with Wikipedia is changing the way we think about our work.
:Wikipedia is mentioned 9 times throughout the document, including under the "Tangible Results" section, and Wikimedia Commons and Wikisource each get two mentions as well. We're also mentioned in the timeline of the 2010-2012 plan's implementation on NARA's website.[2] This means that Wikipedia isn't just a cool experiment to NARA; they are drawing the connections between engagement with Wikipedia and fulfillment of their institutional mission. The US president gave the directive to the National Archives to implement a strategy for open government, and their work on Wikipedia is important enough to feature front and center in the document representing their official response. It also means that they think the project has been successful so far; it's worth talking about.
:This spotlighting of our work actually isn't new. In December, Carl Malamud started a whitehouse.gov petition drive called "Yes We Scan," calling on the government to create a national effort to digitize all federal public records. David Ferriero was chosen to give the response, and he mentioned Wikipedia in the first paragraph.[3] His own blog post on the matter used the photos from our most recent scanathon,[4] and he also mentioned us, and quoted me(!), in his remarks in the public teleconference he held.[5]
:The Open Government Plan is important, I think, not just because it mentions Wikipedia favorably, but because of how it does so, by weaving it in throughout the plan as a part of a larger discussion of open government. It shows that a prestigious GLAM believes that Wikipedia is an integral part of its efforts in public engagement and increasing access, and it is not afraid to say so. Its principles—transparency, participation, and collaboration—and strategies—a "citizen archivist" initiative, which we are a part of—are important for any institution to recognize, and especially public ones. And it is just one short step to extrapolate from "open government" to a broader "open culture", for non-government institutions. I am hoping others around the world will find ways of putting this document to use in helping to carry our message to other institutions.
:*[1] http://www.archives.gov/open/open-government-plan-2.0.pdf
:*[2] http://www.archives.gov/open/milestones.html#more
:*[3] https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/response/digitizing-federal-public-records
:*[4] http://blogs.archives.gov/aotus/?p=3903
:*[5] http://blogs.archives.gov/aotus/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Opening-Remarks-for-Yes-We-Scan-Teleconference-AOTUS.pdf
===[[w:Tropenmuseum|Tropenmuseum]] ===
;Donazione di 100000 immagini
[http://www.tropenmuseum.nl Tropenmuseum] in Amsterdam, in working with the [[wmnl:|Dutch Wikimedia Chapter]], has donated 2000&nbsp;images from Suriname and 100,000&nbsp;media files from Indonesia to [[commons:|Commons]].
[[Categoria:Istruzione e istituzioni culturali]]
[[Categoria:Istruzione e istituzioni culturali]]

Versione delle 15:49, 5 ott 2014

GLAM Biblioteche Musei Archivi Altre istituzioni Convenzioni
Attenzione! Questa è una bozza. Sentiti libero di migliorarla e, se hai domande, dubbi o suggerimenti, per favore usa la pagina di discussione, grazie.

Stato valido al 2014.

Comprende le collaborazioni con gli archivi sia pubblici, sia aziendali.

Collaborazioni in corso

Collaborazioni chiuse

  • Archivio Telecom Italia


  • Testo per invitare le aziende a contribuire ai progetti Wikimedia con la documentazione dei loro archivi: Archivi aziendali.


Idee da sviluppare, contatti, ecc.

  • ISEC, Istituto per la storia dell'età contemporanea. Raccoglie gli archivi aziendali di molte importanti aziende soprattutto di Sesto San Giovanni (Breda, Marelli, ecc. Ha anche l'archivio dell'ordine degli ingegneri di Milano ecc. [1]. Stato dei contatti: un contatto cordiale si era avuto per un progetto che avrebbe avuto l'appoggio della Fondazione Cariplo. Il nodo è che devono trovare chi finanzia la digitalizzazione, ma la strada non è del tutto preclusa. Il direttore non è assolutamente pro-Wikipedia, con il progetto Sestopedia non abbiamo avuto grandi riscontri pur conoscendoli di persona. Nel mese di luglio o al massimo settembre 2014 verrà completato il restauro di Villa Mylius nel quale verrà trasferito gran parte dell'archivio, stanno per acquisire altri archivi aziendali.
  • Archivio del policlinico di Milano.
  • Archivio diffuso del Vajont.
  • Archivio del Monte Adamello: archivisti conosciuti da Aubrey, giovani e attenti alla tematica delle Creative Commons. Potrebbero rilasciare liberamente (addirittura in CC-BY-SA) foto a bassa risoluzione.