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Riga 3: Riga 3:
[[File:Conferenza_stampa_Archeowiki_2013.JPG|450px|thumb|center| Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]]]
[[File:Conferenza_stampa_Archeowiki_2013.JPG|450px|thumb|center| Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]]]
== Archeowiki Press Release ==
== Archaeowiki Press Release ==
<!--Giovedì 7 novembre si è tenuta a Milano la conferenza stampa del progetto [http://www.archeowiki.it Archeowiki. Nuovi archeologi in Lombardia. Percorsi reali e virtuali.] nella suggestiva cornice della Sala Tiepolo presso la sede di Fondazione Cariplo (ente co-finanziatore). Di fronte a una platea numerosa e variegata hanno presentato l'iniziativa Dario Bolis (''Direttore Comunicazione e Relazioni Esterne Fondazione Cariplo''), Frieda Brioschi (''Presidente di Wikimedia Italia''), Grazia Facchinetti (''Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia'') e Filippo Del Corno (''Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano''). Il pubblico ha mostrato molto interesse verso Archeowiki, i suoi valori, tra cui la condivisione della conoscenza come motore dello crescita e il suo scopo principale, ovvero l'avvicinare nuovi utenti all'archeologia, soprattutto giovani studenti, anziani e diversamente abili. È stato molto apprezzato, inoltre, il fatto che l'attenzione sia rivolta verso i musei archeologici meno noti della Lombardia.
Thursday, November 7th a press conference of the project [http://www.archeowiki.it Archeowiki. New archaeologist in Lombardia. Real and virtual paths] was held in Milan, in the picturesque setting of the Tiepolo room at the headquarters of the Cariplo Foundation (co-financing organization ). Faced with a large and varied audience Dario Bolis (''Director of Communications and External Relations in Cariplo''), Frieda Brioschi (''President of Wikimedia Italia''), Grazia Facchinetti (''Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardy'') and Filippo Del Corno (''City Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan'') presented the initiative. The public showed great interest in Archaeowiki: both for its values​​, including the sharing of knowledge as an engine of growth, and for its main purpose, namely attracting new users to archeology, especially young students, elderly people and the disabled. It was much appreciated, also, the fact that the project leans towards the less-known archaeological museums of Lombardy.  
A seguito dell'incontro, diversi siti e testate online hanno riportato la notizia: [http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio-news/milano-14:57/11890  Repubblica], [http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/MibacUnif/Comunicati/visualizza_asset.html_53945580.html Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo], [http://www.comune.milano.it/portale/wps/portal/CDM?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/ContentLibrary/giornale/giornale/tutte+le+notizie+new/assessore+alla+cultura/archeowiki_viaggio_raccolte_extrauropee Comune di Milano].
Ricordiamo che sono disponibili ancora alcuni posti per le scuole; se interessati potete contattare la segreteria di Wikimedia Italia [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it].-->
Following the meeting, several sites and online newspapers reported the news: [http://milano.repubblica.it/dettaglio-news/milano-14:57/11890 La Repubblica], [http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/MibacUnif/Comunicati/visualizza_asset.html_53945580.html Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities], [http://www.comune.milano.it/portale/wps/portal/CDM?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/ContentLibrary/giornale/giornale/tutte+le+notizie+new/assessore+alla+cultura/archeowiki_viaggio_raccolte_extrauropee the City of Milan].
A few places for schools are still available. If you are interested, contact the secretary of Wikimedia Italia [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it].
== Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia ==
== Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia ==

Versione delle 15:52, 14 nov 2013

Wikimedia News no. 64 - November 14, 2013

WikimediaNews - no. 64 - November 14, 2013
Official bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.
Archeowiki Press Release, by Ale [CC-BY-SA 3.0]

Archaeowiki Press Release

Thursday, November 7th a press conference of the project Archeowiki. New archaeologist in Lombardia. Real and virtual paths was held in Milan, in the picturesque setting of the Tiepolo room at the headquarters of the Cariplo Foundation (co-financing organization ). Faced with a large and varied audience Dario Bolis (Director of Communications and External Relations in Cariplo), Frieda Brioschi (President of Wikimedia Italia), Grazia Facchinetti (Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardy) and Filippo Del Corno (City Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Milan) presented the initiative. The public showed great interest in Archaeowiki: both for its values​​, including the sharing of knowledge as an engine of growth, and for its main purpose, namely attracting new users to archeology, especially young students, elderly people and the disabled. It was much appreciated, also, the fact that the project leans towards the less-known archaeological museums of Lombardy.

Following the meeting, several sites and online newspapers reported the news: La Repubblica, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the City of Milan.

A few places for schools are still available. If you are interested, contact the secretary of Wikimedia Italia segreteria@wikimedia.it.

Award ceremony for Wiki Loves Monuments Italia

WMI supports the creation of the Italian chapter of OpenStreetMap Foundation

Presentation di Sestopedia

Future Appointments

  • November 14, Stra (VE): for the Week of the enterprise culture of Confindustria, the Museo Rossimoda of the shoe, together with Europeana Fashion, organizes at its headquarters in Villa Foscarini Rossi an edithaton. Privileged recipients: students of the University of Padua and the IUAV of Venice whose studies are related to marketing and fashion design. Hours 10-16. For Wikimedia Italy Virginia Gentilini will attend.
  • November 16, Ivrea: at Officina H the meeting Didattica Aperta (Open Education) is scheduled. The theme of the meeting is "Free access to software and knowledge in the School and University". The event will provide an opportunity to discuss sharing of knowledge and free resources in training. The invitation is extended to everybody, but places are limited. To register, simply fill out the form on the site.

Notice: this newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product