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(2 versioni intermedie di uno stesso utente non sono mostrate)
Riga 151: Riga 151:
[http://www.lastampa.it/2016/08/25/tecnologia/news/con-la-mappa-open-source-un-aiuto-ai-paesi-terremotati-Cq8dsfBzEMGBJzKcomi0dP/pagina.html A few press articles] and conferences after the earthquake in 2016 gave strong visibility to OSM as a useful tool for disaster management.
[http://www.lastampa.it/2016/08/25/tecnologia/news/con-la-mappa-open-source-un-aiuto-ai-paesi-terremotati-Cq8dsfBzEMGBJzKcomi0dP/pagina.html A few press articles] and conferences after the earthquake in 2016 gave strong visibility to OSM as a useful tool for disaster management.
Numerous projects involving OpenStreetMap were also developed by universities and other research institutes. In December 2017, the first OSM "young apprenticeship programme" in Italy was launched at Institute Avogadro in Torino. The training activities, starting in January 2018, will allow students to meet the community and discover OSM, that will hopefully deploy new interesting careers opportunities for them.
Numerous projects involving OpenStreetMap were also developed by universities and other research institutes. In December 2017, the first OSM "youth apprenticeship programme" in Italy was launched at Institute Avogadro in Torino. The training activities, starting in January 2018, will allow students to meet the community and discover OSM, that will hopefully deploy new interesting careers opportunities for them.
The most satisfying accomplishment of the year was being given the opportunity to organize [https://2018.stateofthemap.org/ the international conference State of the Map 2018] in Milan, thanks to the proposal filled by Wikimedia Italia in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano.
The most satisfying accomplishment of the year was being given the opportunity to organize [https://2018.stateofthemap.org/ the international conference State of the Map 2018] in Milan, thanks to the proposal filled by Wikimedia Italia in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano.
Riga 234: Riga 234:
The main activity planned for 2017 was the introduction of a [[microgrant]] programme for members through which they can request fundings (up to 500 €) to implement small projects. The association allocated 5000 € to the programme along the second semester (2500 € per trimester). All the projects were evaluated by a 5 members commission, appointed by the WMI board. In 2017, 7 projects were approved for a total of 916,16 € allocated to members. No applications were rejected.
The main activity planned for 2017 was the introduction of a [[microgrant]] programme for members through which they can request fundings (up to 500 €) to implement small projects. The association allocated 5000 € to the programme along the second semester (2500 € per trimester). All the projects were evaluated by a 5 members commission, appointed by the WMI board. In 2017, 7 projects were approved for a total of 916,16 € allocated to members. No applications were rejected.
Also, in 2017, WMI promoted various training sessions for its members:
Also, in 2017, WMI promoted two training sessions for its members:
* ''What is Wikidata and how it can be used'' with [[Utente:AlessioMela|Alessio Mela]]
* ''What is Wikidata and how it can be used'' with [[Utente:AlessioMela|Alessio Mela]]
* ''What is OSM, why it is important and how it interact with Wikimedia projects''with [[Utente:AlessandroPalmas|Alessandro Palmas]]
* ''What is OSM, why it is important and how it interact with Wikimedia projects'' with [[Utente:AlessandroPalmas|Alessandro Palmas]]
[[File:Wikimedia Italia General Assembly - 8 April 2017 - Movement strategy 04.jpg|thumb|Dialogue on WMI strategy at the general meeting in April.]]
[[File:Wikimedia Italia General Assembly - 8 April 2017 - Movement strategy 04.jpg|thumb|Dialogue on WMI strategy at the general meeting in April.]]

Versione attuale delle 17:06, 26 nov 2018

This is an English translation of Relazione sulle attività 2017 Flag of Italy.svg,
it may be not updated or may be different from the original

The following report was presented by the board of Wikimedia Italia and approved by the members of the association during the general assembly in april 2018.


The association Wikimedia Italia – Associazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera (hereinafter referred to as Wikimedia Italia or WMI) was founded on 17th June 2005 in Canino (Italy). WMI is a non-party, non-political, non-profit association that actively contributes to the diffusion, the improvement and the development of knowledge and culture throughout the world.

Wikimedia Italia and its social purpose

Wikimedia Italia members from 2005 to 2017

Wikimedia Italia collaborates with Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit American organisation that provides the essential infrastructure for Wikipedia, the online multilingual free-content encyclopaedia cooperatively written by volunteers. In particular, Wikimedia Foundation hosts in its servers Wikipedia in all languages and other projects such as Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.

Wikimedia Italia works alongside Wikimedia Foundation but does not legally represent Wikimedia Foundation nor Wikipedia in Italy. Wikimedia Italia is entitled to use Wikimedia brands and logo exclusively for its institutional activities. Similarly, Wikimedia Italia acts as national chapter for the OpenStreetMap Foundation but remains independent from it.

Wikimedia Italia aims to spread out the philosophy that inspires Wikimedia projects and OpenStreetMap; the members of the association contribute to the projects or share their underlying values. Being part of this association facilitates to share ideas and experiences with people from all over the world and allows to be directly involved in the development of the Wikimedia movement and its objectives.

The activities carried out on Wikipedia by the members of Wikimedia Italia are purely personal and the association not only has no responsibility, but does not even give guidelines or advices on this.

Wikimedia Italia members

Wikimedia Italia members pay an annual membership fee of 25 €. Honorary members have equal rights as ordinary members but do not pay the annual membership, while supporters are all those people and organisations contributing to Wikimedia Italia with important donations in order to sustain the maintenance, the improvement and the further implementation of WMI projects. Wikimedia Italia was founded by 18 members on 17th June 2005. On 31st December 2017, WMI registered 412 members.

Members in 2017 divided by region
  • New members (from January to December 2017): 87
  • Decayed members: 94
  • Average age: 47 years old
  • Youngest member: 19 years old
  • Oldest member: 92 years old
  • Gender:
    • Women: 93 (22,57%)
    • Men: 319 (77,43%)
  • Region of residence: the italian regions with the higher number of members are Lombardia (109), Lazio (48), Emilia Romagna (40), Veneto (32) and Piemonte (26). The other regions have less than 30 members each. 12 members live abroad (see chart).


As in 2016, even in 2017 some members were elected as regional and thematic coordinators: 31 on the first semester and 27 during the second. Some of them already covered that role in 2016, some others were newly appointed. On 5th February 2017, a general meeting with 21 coordinators, 4 staff members and 3 board members was held in Rome.


Wikimedia Italia has a small staff that supports and works with the members of the association and some collaborators for specific external activities. In 2017, a general reorganisation of the staff was carried out in order to turn from a traditional-hierarchical structure into a more linear and efficient one.

Main activities

Institutions and free culture

Seminar in BNCF in November 2017

In 2017, several collaborations with libraries were established, numerous courses and events were successfully organised and the relationships with the main Italian institutions were particularly fruitful.

One of the most outstanding results is the collaboration formalised in June 2017 between AIB and Wikimedia Italia. The agreement implies a commitment from both sides to work together for the promotion of various initiatives, such as training courses and advocacy activities, with the aim to encourage the diffusion of open licences and the free re-use of digitized contents from the Italian libraries.

At the same time, through its advocacy activity, Wikimedia Italia contributed to the approval of the Italian law legge 124/2017 that allows everyone to take pictures of pages of documents or other printed volumes with personal equipment (e.g mobile phone), without prior authorization, in libraries and archives.

Institutions and Wikimedia projects


One of the 300 images digitized in 2017 from the Acta Eruditorum, public domain works in the BEIC catalogue

Within this positive context, the association promoted more than 30 events and training courses in different italian libraries throughout the year. These initiatives involved more than 1000 participants, of which more than 150 were new contributors to Wikimedia projects.

This growth was probably facilitated by a strong presence at the annual convegno delle Stelline, where Lorenzo Losa, WMI President, had the chance to speak about Wikidata and open data in general within the opening session. The annual convention Sfide e alleanze tra biblioteche e Wikipedia at the Central National Library in Florence (Italy) was also very successful: more than 270 people attended the conference.

With regards to workshops, the training session held at Biblioteca San Giorgio di Pistoia generated 33 new articles on Wikipedia, while more than 20 librarians were involved in the project Sistema bibliotecario Seriate Laghi. Also, the workshops organised at Biblioteca di Area Linguistica dell'Università Cà Foscari (BALI) were very successful as they provided 40 new contributors each. Also, a "Wikipedia user-support corner" was tested for 3 months at Biblioteca delle Oblate in Florence.

Finally, one of the main goals of the year was the establishment of a collaboration with the Department of digitised bibliographic services of the University of Turin (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures) that agreed to release part of its vast archive with free license on Wikimedia projects.

Museums and archives

Editathon in Cernobbio - 20th May 2017, by Daniela Manili Pessina, CC BY-SA 4.0

2017 was the year of editathons, a very interesting format for museums and archives. Indeed, writing marathons allow to train the museum staff while giving visibility to the collections on Wikimedia projects.

The most relevant editathon promoted by the association in 2017 was the one at Gallerie degli Uffizi, which involved 40 participants, including 13 expert users and 7 museum staff members. As part of this initiative, which was largely covered by the press, 11 new articles were created on Wikipedia and other 8 articles were improved.

The event at Uffizi paved the way to an expanded and more systematic collaboration with this important museum. The same can be said for the editathon realised in Bologna at Archivio Videoludico della Cineteca, where 19 participants created 13 new articles on videogames and science fiction. Other writing marathons were hosted at Archivio di Stato (on the occasion of International Women's day), Museo del Novecento in Firenze, Museo del Palazzo di Bonifacio VIII in Anagni, Istituto Piemontese per la Storia della Resistenza (Istoreto) and Museo storico della Guerra di Rovereto.

Other activities were carried out in collaboration with Polo museale della Campania in the framework of the project Reach Out: about twenty students from the Institute "Enrico Caruso" in Napoli were involved in the promotion of the Palazzo Reale collection on various Wikimedia projects. This activity started in December 2017, to be concluded in 2018.

Among the numerous editathon that were promoted, it is also worth mentioning the meetings held at Villa Bernasconi di Cernobbio. In relation to the project Liberty tutti, the local administration of Cernobbio and the NGO Mondovisione, in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia, promoted three marathons in April, May and December where 16 new articles were created. During the event held in December, the WMI volunteers' launched the first "wikistazione" in the Villa: the first corner dedicated to wikipedians ever set up in a museum.

Other activities

The user group WikiDonne took part in different international initiatives (WikiWomenCamp Città del Messico, Wikimedia Diversity Conference Stoccolma, La mujer que nunca conosciste) and online editathons promoted at global level by Wikimedia movement. As a result of these activities, more than 60 new articles dedicated to notable women were created on the free encyclopedia. Within the project La mujer que nunca conosciste, a worldwide initiative promoted by Iberocoop, a final ceremony was organised at MACRO museum in Rome. 49 new articles were created among the event. Another successful marathon was Art+Feminism, an event held in march all over the world, aimed at creating and improving articles on women in arts as well as encouraging women in editing Wikipedia. In Italy, the initiative was held simultaneously in 6 different cities: Roma, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Battipaglia and Potenza. The editathons led to the creation of 80 new articles on Wikipedia in Italian thanks to the contribution of about 100 participants.

Institutions sharing free knowledge


In 2017, the Wikipedian in Residence Marco Chemello continued his activity at Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura (BEIC). He created 81 new articles on Wikipedia using the contents that the library decided to share with free license and digitized 4200 pages on Wikisource, including various works from the collana Scrittori d'Italia Laterza. Also, the illustrations taken from Acta Eruditorum were digitised and added to the more than 19 000 images already uploaded since the beginning of the collaboration. Moreover, a first georeferencing prototype based on OpenStreetMap was realised for Paolo Monti's photographic archive: the project was presented to the public on march 16th at Palazzo delle Stelline in Milano.

Other long-term collaborations continued to produce good results: it is worth mentioning the one with Biblioteca Comunale di Trento and the related project Geografie dal mondo antico which led to the digitisation and publication of 150 maps from the XVII and XVIII centuries on Wikimedia Commons.


The energic group ICAR

Two new collaborations with Wikipedians in Residence (WIR) were established in 2017: the first started in September 2017 with Istituto centrale per gli archivi (ICAR), while the second with Istituto centrale per i beni sonori ed audiovisivi (ICBSA) was launched in October 2017.

During the first four months of his activity, the WIR Marco Chemello organised a training session on Wikimedia projects for 13 ICAR staff members. Thanks to their contribution, 24 articles on Wikipedia were improved and 81 images were uploaded on Wikimedia Commons.

Luca Martinelli at ICBSA focused on Wikidata instead: during the first three months of the collaboration about 1100 elements were corrected and more than 360 missing elements were created on the free database.

Other activities

Connected Open Heritage was promoted in 2016 by Wikimedia Svezia with the support of UNESCO and the contribution of Wikimedia Italia, in collaboration with GAR and DecArch. The aim of this project was to foster knowledge and protect our common cultural heritage through digital preservation, especially focusing on all those sites in danger because of wars, natural disasters and negligence. As part of this project, Wikimedia Italia gathered and released under an open licence on Wikimedia Commons more than 1000 images of cultural heritage taken by Italian archaeologists and volunteers working on the field in Syria and Jordan. The numerous images collected within this projects were included in the exhibition "Opera Libera" at Villa Giulia in Rome.
Another project it is worth to mention is Wiki Science Competition, promoted in Italy for the first time by a group of enthusiastic volunteers.


New brochures for schools

In 2017, the activities with schools and universities continued in numerous regions with the aim to promote free knowledge among students, teachers and professors. Also, the association made significant progress towards the acknowledment of its training sessions by the Ministry of Education.

Collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research

An important accomplishment was the signature of a three-year agreement (Protocollo d'Intesa) with the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. This result represents a significant step towards the strategic objective of encouraging as many teachers and professors as possible to adopt Wikimedia projects as learning tools. As part of this agreement, WMI is going to produce different schoolkits to help teachers structuring education activities using Wikimedia projects. In January 2018, after only one month since the signature of the agreement, WMI released the first 8 schoolkits that helped teachers using Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikiversità and Wikisource in the classroom while covering different topics such as gender gap, cultural heritage and multilingualism.

Activities with schools and universities

Students from Potenza in a library while creating contents for Wikipedia and Wikibooks

More than 1800 students and teachers took part to Wikimedia activities in numerous italian schools. From north to south, Wikimedia projects were employed in more than 30 institutes not only as a way to share knowledge but also as a special learning tool to develop transversal and multidisciplinary competences. The workshops carried out in the schools represented an opportunity for many students to actively contribute to different Wikimedia projects while interacting with the international community: within the year, more than 300 young students became contributors to Wikimedia projects.

Among all projects, it is worth mentioning WikiMemo va a scuola, developed as part of the event Fano Loves Wiki organised to promote the creation of articles on the history and culture of the city of Fano.

From a collaboration with Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi, WMI also developed the project "WikiEHL: l'enciclopedia del Patrimonio europeo" involving six classes in four different schools in Trento and surroundings. The students involved created 11 articles on different monuments that were awarded with the European Heritage Label (EHL).

Other projects launched in the prevoius years further developed in 2017, such as the one at Liceo delle scienze umane E. Gianturco in Potenza. This project focused on the implementation of the Sportello wiki in order to support teachers in structuring learning paths based on Wikimedia projects, especially Wikipedia, Commons, Wikibooks and Wikivoyage.

In September, numerous projects were launched to be developed during the school year 2017/2018, such as the one at Istituto Comprensivo Dante Alighieri in Cornate d'Adda and Liceo classico statale Quinto Orazio Flacco in Potenza.

WMI volunteers also held lessons in 16 Italian universities. These activities involved more than 600 students and brought almost 100 new contributors. Also, the project WikiTim was implemented in 2017 at LUISS University in Roma, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II and Università degli Studi di Catania. The initiative involved about a hundred students from different faculties who completed and created new articles on digital knowledge, also featuring images released with a free license by the historical Telecom Italia archive in Torino.

Open science

In 2017, more than 3000 scientific publications were released in green open access thanks to an awareness-raising campaign addressed to researchers promoted by Wikimedia Italia.


Mapping in Verona

2017 was the second year of activity for Wikimedia Italia as the Italian chapter of OpenStreetMap Foundation.

After the signature of the agreement with Club Alpino Italiano in October 2016, the association started to work at establishing guidelines for mapping the pathways and organised many events in different locations to map various italian paths. Through this activity, OpenStreetMap gained thousands of new users and hundreds of new collaborators.

The italian civil protection and fire department, together with other actors in the field of humanitarian aid expressed their deep interest in OpenStreetMap. A few press articles and conferences after the earthquake in 2016 gave strong visibility to OSM as a useful tool for disaster management.

Numerous projects involving OpenStreetMap were also developed by universities and other research institutes. In December 2017, the first OSM "youth apprenticeship programme" in Italy was launched at Institute Avogadro in Torino. The training activities, starting in January 2018, will allow students to meet the community and discover OSM, that will hopefully deploy new interesting careers opportunities for them.

The most satisfying accomplishment of the year was being given the opportunity to organize the international conference State of the Map 2018 in Milan, thanks to the proposal filled by Wikimedia Italia in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano.

At the end of the year, 31 events were organised (mapathon, conventions, mapping parties and trainings) with more than 1200 participants. In Italy, the community added 1 364 000 street numbers, 72 750 points of interest and more than 68 337 km of routes and pathways in OSM.

The success of the initiatives gives hope for the future development of the project in Italy.

Wiki Loves Monuments

Open exhibition at the museum Villa Giulia in Rome, by Saverio.G CC BY-SA 4.0

The 6th edition of WLM in Italy was a success in terms of visibility, thanks to the Opera Libera exhibition in Rome, the prize-giving ceremony at Acquario Civico Milano and the presence of many italian pictures in the international ranking. However, no progress was made to change the actual legal framework that represents a problem in the promotion of the Italian cultural heritage, especially on Wikimeda projects.


The 2017 edition offers various suggestions for the future development of the project:

  • Italy ranked 3rd out of 52 countries for the number of photographers and photos collected, involving more than 990 participants who published 20 000 photos of 7769 Italian monuments (+28,8% compared to the 2016 edition).
  • 877 institutions (+38% compared to the 2016 edition) collaborated with Wikimedia Italia in promoting the contest, providing authorisations for the reproduction of numerous monuments. The collaboration with Comune di Milano is particularly relevant since it gave authorisations for more than 80 monuments.
  • From August to September 2017, thanks to volunteers' help, 60 wikitours in 12 Italian regions were organised in collaboration with municipalities, associations and local institutions.

Two wikitrips were also made accessible to deaf people thanks to the collaboration with some sign language interpreters. Compared to 2016, the return to a registration procedure which was not integrated with Wikimedia Commons drastly decreased the number of new users (only 6 while the initial target was 150). Despite this drop, the wikitours organised by the associations' members turned out to be positive and effective experiences for the participants

International placements

Verrucole Castle, photo by Iris Gonelli, ranked 5th internationally and 3rd in Italy

For the third year in a row, Italian photos were very appreciated by the international jury and entered the WLM international ranking. Four photos of Italian monuments were included the top twenty and were chosen among 489 photos awarded at national level in the 52 countries that took part in the competition. .[1]

Sponsors, partnerships and prizes

The Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 edition was supported by a great number of important partners and sponsors: Euronics, Enegan Luce & Gas, Nikon, Radio Italia suppoerted the contest together with other long-term partners.[2] Open Data Sicilia, Sardinia Open Data and Il Sentiero dei Sogni supported the association in the promotion of WLM regional contests in Sicilia, Sardegna and Lombardia.

Seven special prizes were delivered by some of the sponsors and partners. [3]

Also, Wikimedia Italia promoted 12 local contests with the support of its members and volunteers and local institutions. [4]

The exhibition and other public events

Since March 2017, an of the best photos from WLM 2016 was displayed in 8 italian regions. In Rome, the photos of the exhibition had been displayed for a month at Museo Etrusco di Villa Giulia.

WLM Prize-giving ceremony at the Acquario Civico di Milano

This exhibition was named Opera Libera (Open Artwork) in order to symbolise both free and open contents and all the cultural heritage that is accessible to everyone. The exhibition was inaugurated with a press conference followed by a panel discussion on the freedom of panorama.[5] Guided tours at the exhibition were organised by Wikimedia Italia on the occasion of late-night openings. One of those tours was specifically dedicated to the distinguished guests invited to the prize-giving ceremony of Premio Strega - 71st Edition (one of the most prestigious Italian literary award).

Another important event at national level was the prize-giving ceremony that took place on November 11th at Acquario Civico di Milano. 70 people (maximum capacity of the venue) attended the event, including winners, journalists, partners and sponsors of the competition.

Fundraising campaign

In December 2017, the association launched a fundraising campaign for the project Wiki Loves Monuments in order to achieve even better results for the 2018 edition (see the paragraph Fundraising).

Support to volunteers

Economic and educational support

Bee on a flower by Monarda hybrida. Photo taken during the editathon a Pieve Tesino, the first initiative supported by the microgrant programme.

One of the targets for the year 2017 was to increase the members' participation in the activities promoted by the association and support their initiatives while helping them gaining expertise on Wikimedia projects.

The main activity planned for 2017 was the introduction of a microgrant programme for members through which they can request fundings (up to 500 €) to implement small projects. The association allocated 5000 € to the programme along the second semester (2500 € per trimester). All the projects were evaluated by a 5 members commission, appointed by the WMI board. In 2017, 7 projects were approved for a total of 916,16 € allocated to members. No applications were rejected.

Also, in 2017, WMI promoted two training sessions for its members:

  • What is Wikidata and how it can be used with Alessio Mela
  • What is OSM, why it is important and how it interact with Wikimedia projects with Alessandro Palmas
Dialogue on WMI strategy at the general meeting in April.

The two annual general meetings gave the opportunity to all WMI members to meet and discuss. The first meeting was held in Napoli on 8th April 2017, while the second meeting was held in Turin on 14th October 2017.

Another big investment for 2017 was aimed at delevloping specific softwares dedicated to OpenStreetMap and Wikisource but was not realised due to a lack of product management skills within the staff and the members of the association so it will be postponed for the future.

Involvement in the international movement

Italians at Wikimania 2017, by Camelia.boban CC BY-SA 4.0

The association encouraged the participation of its volunteers to the activities promoted by Wikimedia movement worldwide: from 31st March to 2nd April, three members of WMI board and staff took part to the annual Wikimedia Conference in Berlin; in February, Paolo Brambilla, GLAM Project Manager , represented the association at the European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting; in June, Lorenzo Losa and Ginevra Sanvitale from WMI board participated to Iberoconf 2017, the meeting of Latin American chapters network (that also include Wikimedia Italia).

For the seventh year running, Wikimedia Italia allocated six participation grants in order to encourage the active users on Wikimedia projects in Italian to participate to Wikimania 2017, the Wikimedia movement annual international conference that was held in Montreal (Canada). Six people including two members of WMI board (Lorenzo Losa and Giuseppe Profiti) participated to the conference thanks to these grants.

Support to the Wikimedia community

In order to improve the dialogue with the community of users active on Wikimedia projects in Italian, Wikimedia Italia created a programme of participation grants for the event itWikiCon 2017, the first gathering of the Italian Wikimedia community, co-financed by Wikimedia Foundation. Nineteen people took part in the event thanks to participation grants that covered travel expenses and accommodation.

The association worked at improving the reputation of Wikipedia in the press. In 2017, 4 articles published in the national press that contained mistakes on Wikipedia where corrected thanks to a direct contact with Wikimedia Italia.

In 2017, Wikimedia Italia also recruited three interns from the university in Milano. The interns gave daily support to the office life but also learned how to be active collaborators on Wikipedia by writing, improving and translating articles. One of them, at the end of her internship, decided to become a member of the association and covered the role of Wikimedia Italia coordinator for libraries in Lombardia.

Communications activities

In 2017, the association tried to increase the effectiveness of its communication activities by improving responsiveness, increasing the members' involvement and adopting a more integrated and rational management of communication tools.

Internal communication

The association improved the management of the requests and enquiries via OTRS, responding faster and more effectively (within 5 days). Also, the welcome messages to new members were updated and improved. For the first time the association tried to increase the members involvement in writing blog articles: 17 out of 129 articles (about 13%) were written in collaboration with members.

External communication

Luca Martinelli (Wikimedia Italia board) talks to Eike Schmidt, Director of Gallerie degli Uffizi, connected from Japan for the press conference related to the editathon in January

Social networks

In 2017, the Facebook page for Wikimedia Italia was integrated to the one specifically created for Wiki Loves Monuments to avoid repetitions and lead all the contacts to a single "place" to get informations on Wikimedia projects. The union of the two pages led to a significant increase of interactions (reactions, comments and shares), that grew by 137% (from 6491 to 17 058). On Twitter, the number of followers remains stable but interactions grew in a singnificat way throughout the year (14 280, +7,9% compared to 2016).

Communication materials

In order to communicate its activities in a more structured way, the association created new communication materials: brochures presenting the educational activities and a leflet explaining how to contribute to Wikipedia.


Regarding the official website, benefits came from the development of free AdWords that generated about 40% of the visits. WMI decided not to work on the homepage of the official website since the indicators showing its efficiency had been stable. The interest in the website is growing and the "long-lasting" visitors increased from 10% to 13%. Other sections of the website were improved: the Who we are section, the one dedicated to educational projects in schools, the one regarding donations and the area dedicated to the press. For the latter, the association created a new document answering the most frequent questions asked by journalists.


The number of articles quoting Wikimedia Italia in the national press increased from 96 in 2016 to 163 in 2017 (+69%). Initiatives that contributed to promote this visibility on the press were the editathon at the Uffizi Galleries,the Art + Feminism writing marathon and the traditional annual award ceremony of Wiki Loves Monuments, at the Civic Aquarium of Milan, which alone generated 43 press clippings.


WMI regional coordinators meeting

In 2017, efforts were made to consolidate the participation of members and donors by encouraging them to renovate their subscription and donate. Targets established in 2017 were too ambitious, therefore they were not achieved even if many results were flattering, which means that the association is in the right direction.


In order to encourage members to renovate their subscription, in 2017 an increased number of reminders was sent out and many people whose subscription was about to expire were contacted by telephone. The number of members who decided to renovate their subscription increased by 54% and the membership fees collected for the year amounted to 6927 €.


Overview of the results achieved in 2016 by Lorenzo Benassi [CC BY-SA 4.0]
Card for the Wiki Loves Monuments campaign distributed in December 2017, by Lorenzo Benassi [CC BY-SA 4.0]

Communications addressed to single donors was aimed at encouraging donations and inform donors about the results obtained thanks to their concrete contribution. At the beginning of 2017, a comprehensive infographic about the results of the previous year was sent to all the donors with a donation recap, useful for the compilation of the tax documents.

In 2017, different campaigns were carried out.

Schools campaign

In April, a campaign dedicated to projects with schools was launched, via e-mail and letters: more than 3900 € were raised from about 130 donors.

SMS campaign

In 2017, Wikimedia Italia re-launched its communication and fund-raising campaign with a solidarity SMS number as in 2016. For the second year in a row, the communication agency Aragorn supported WMI in promoting the campaing that was focused on educational projects in the Italian schools. The campaign was active from May 5 to June 12, 2017: a commercial (already used in 2016) was broadcasted on two major television channels, La7 and Mediaset, as well as on other minor networks (7 national and 12 local networks). During the campaign period, other communication channels were also activated: e-mail, social networks, press, web. Approximately € 2,600 were collected through the campaign.

Christmas campaign

In December 2017 and January 2018, [[Associazione:Fundraising 2017/Campagna Natale|a Christmas fundraising campaign related to WLM was carried out employing different media (emails, letters, social networks, AdWords, official website).

5 per mille campaign

From March to July, the 5 per mille fundraising campaign was carried out. All members and people related to the association were invited to donate their 5 per mille to Wikimedia Italia. More than 83 000 emails were sent out. Also, specific communications were inserted in WMI and WLM newsletters and promoted on social networks (Facebook and Twitter). A free AdWords campaign was also launched and 15 000 cards related to the campaign were sent out in the city of Milan. The Wikimedia community also contributed to promote the campaign through a specific banner on Wikipedia in Italian and other Wikimedia projects for a few weeks. Wikimedia Foundation also contacted its Italian donors asking them to donate to Wikimedia Italia. These initiatives led to an increased number of visits on the main page of the campaign: 416 visitors asked for further information.

Financial report

See Bilancio consuntivo 2017 and related notes.


  1. Photos of Verrucole Castle by Iris Gonelli and Simone Letari placed 5th and 6th at international level. The winner of the Italian contest, Francesco Cavallari, placed 15th at international level with his photo of the Trepponti Bridge. Cristian Buda placed 20th at global level and 6th in the Italian contest with his photo of the Avigliana Castle.
  2. APT Servizi Emilia Romagna, BASE Milano, FIAF, Fondation Gran Paradis, ICOM Italia, Touring Club Italiano, Toscana Foto Festival, WWF Italia and Archeomatica, toghether with other local actors such as WeLand, OpenGenova and La Famiglia Bustocca.
    • Special prize Euronics-Nikon
    • Special prize FIAF
    • Special prize ICOM
    • Special prize Gran Paradiso
    • Special prize Enegan Luce e Gas
    • Special prize BASE Milano
    • Special prize WWF Italia
    • Occhio digitale sul Polo Museale dell'Emilia Romagna
    • Wiki Loves Piemonte
    • Wiki Loves Monuments Lombardia
    • Wiki Loves Trentino
    • Wiki Loves Monuments Veneto
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  3. Participants of this panel were Lorenzo Losa (President of Wikimedia Italia), Lorenzo Casini (Legal Adviser of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism), Giorgio Resta (Professor at the University of Roma3), Valentino Nizzo (Director of Museo Nazionale Etrusco Villa Giulia), Cecilie Hollberg (Director of Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze), Rosa Maiello (President of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche) and Tiziana Maffei (President of the International Council of Museums).