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(inserito testo italiano)
Riga 7: Riga 7:
<!--Autunno inoltrato. Si festeggia Halloween, si organizzano le gite fuoriporta per il ponte, magari si pensa al Natale che si avvicina. Questo nel mondo là fuori. <br />
Autumn. Halloween is celebrated, trips outside the city are organized, maybe people think that Christmas is approaching. This happens in the world out there. <br />
Per il secondo anno, a novembre per il direttivo inizia il periodo più difficile dell'anno: l'organizzazione del fundraising e la sua gestione, giorno dopo giorno. <br />
It's the second year that in November the most difficult period of the year for the Board begins: the organization and the daily management of the fundraising.<br />
Organizzare la raccolta fondi significa seguire Wikimedia Foundation, le loro richieste, studiare i contratti, iscriversi a nuove mailing list, inventarsi slogan, stendere pagine di spiegazioni, tradurre FAQ e nel frattempo cercare di ottimizzare gli strumenti a disposizione per prepararsi all'ondata di attività che inizierà a breve. <br />
Organizing the fundraising means to shadow the Wikimedia Foundation and their demands, to study contracts, to subscribe to new mailing lists, to come up with slogans, to spread pages of explanations, to translate FAQs and in the meantime to try and optimize the tools so that we may be prepared for the wave of activity which will begin shortly. <br />
Quando poi effettivamente la raccolta inizia e compaiono i banner su tutte le pagine dei progetti, la prima cosa che accade è che rimaniamo senza tesoriere e senza segreteria per qualche mese: Cotton, Aubrey e tutto il loro staff (Xaura, Dinwath, Remulazz) sono completamente assorbiti dalle iscrizioni che arrivano, domande relative alle donazioni, registrazione delle donazioni, contatti con WMF che vanno comunque tenuti (ogni fundraising che si rispetti ha dei problemi tecnici o dei cambi in corsa da fare!). Nel momento in cui scrivo, ci sono 170 mail nella casella delle iscrizioni, 88 nella casella info e altre ancora nella casella segreteria.<br />  
When the fundraising actually begins and banners appear on all projects' pagess, the first thing that happens is that we lose our treasurer and secretary for a few months: Cotton, Aubrey and all their staff (Xaura, Dinwath, Remulazz) are completely absorbed by subscriptions flowing in, questions about donations, registrations of gifts, contacts with WMF which are nevertheless required (every self-respecting fundraising gets technical problems or changes to do on the spot!). At the time of writing, there are 170 mail in the subscribtion mailbox, 88 in the information mailbox and still others in the general one.<br />
Installare OTRS, far iscrivere le persone direttamente dal sito e scrivere script di importazione di dati sono alcune delle piccole cose che siamo riusciti a fare per semplificare il lavoro di segreteria e tesoreria, ma sono solo la punta dell'iceberg: non siamo riusciti a farci customizzare il CRM che usiamo,da oltre sei settimane che stiamo cercando di aprire un conto presso le poste, ma non ci siamo ancora riusciti - nonostante tutto il nostro impegno - e la lista dei problemi non si ferma qui.<br />
Install OTRS, enroll people directly from the site and write scripts for importing data are some of the little things we did to simplify the job of secretary and treasurer, but they are only the tip of the iceberg: we were not able to customize our CRM, it's more than six weeks since we tried to open an account at the post office but we have not succeeded yet - despite all our efforts - and the list of problems does not stop there. <br />
L'11 dicembre, quando il direttivo si riunirà ''de visu'', uno dei temi all'ordine del giorno sarà l'assunzione di una o più persone che durante il prossimo anno ci aiutino a portare avanti quelle attività per le quali non abbiamo sufficienti risorse (o talvolta competenze): la comunicazione, la segreteria, consulenti vari (fundraising, legali, grafici, specialisti di non profit).<br />
On 11 December, when the directors shall meet ''visually'', one of the topics on the agenda will be hiring one or more persons during the next year to help us carry out those activities for which we don't have sufficient resources (and sometimes expertise): communication, secretariat, various consultants (fundraising, legal, graphics, non-profit specialists). <br />
In chiusura vi ricordo i temi "caldi" ancora aperti, su cui stiamo sorvolando perché la discussione, il consenso e l'interesse languono: i festeggiamenti per i dieci anni di Wikipedia e il prossimo Festival delle Libertà digitali.
In closing I remind you of the hot topics still open, that we're overlooking because discussion, consensus and interests languish: the celebration for the ten years of Wikipedia and the forthcoming Festival of Digital Freedom.
==What happened during last months ==
==What happened during last months ==

Versione delle 13:41, 13 dic 2010

Specimen: /Specimen
Wikimedia news1.png
W i K i M e D i A N e W s no. @@ - @@, 2010

Official monthly bulletin from Wikimedia Italia Association.


Autumn. Halloween is celebrated, trips outside the city are organized, maybe people think that Christmas is approaching. This happens in the world out there.
It's the second year that in November the most difficult period of the year for the Board begins: the organization and the daily management of the fundraising.
Organizing the fundraising means to shadow the Wikimedia Foundation and their demands, to study contracts, to subscribe to new mailing lists, to come up with slogans, to spread pages of explanations, to translate FAQs and in the meantime to try and optimize the tools so that we may be prepared for the wave of activity which will begin shortly.
When the fundraising actually begins and banners appear on all projects' pagess, the first thing that happens is that we lose our treasurer and secretary for a few months: Cotton, Aubrey and all their staff (Xaura, Dinwath, Remulazz) are completely absorbed by subscriptions flowing in, questions about donations, registrations of gifts, contacts with WMF which are nevertheless required (every self-respecting fundraising gets technical problems or changes to do on the spot!). At the time of writing, there are 170 mail in the subscribtion mailbox, 88 in the information mailbox and still others in the general one.
Install OTRS, enroll people directly from the site and write scripts for importing data are some of the little things we did to simplify the job of secretary and treasurer, but they are only the tip of the iceberg: we were not able to customize our CRM, it's more than six weeks since we tried to open an account at the post office but we have not succeeded yet - despite all our efforts - and the list of problems does not stop there.
On 11 December, when the directors shall meet visually, one of the topics on the agenda will be hiring one or more persons during the next year to help us carry out those activities for which we don't have sufficient resources (and sometimes expertise): communication, secretariat, various consultants (fundraising, legal, graphics, non-profit specialists).
In closing I remind you of the hot topics still open, that we're overlooking because discussion, consensus and interests languish: the celebration for the ten years of Wikipedia and the forthcoming Festival of Digital Freedom.


What happened during last months

What will happen next months

News from our groups

News from our projects

News from Biblioteca

News from Musica

News from wiki@home

News from WMF projects

  • Wikibooks:
  • Wikinews:
  • Wikipedia:
  • Wikiquote:
  • Wikisource:
  • Wikiversity:
  • Wiktionary:

Monthly strip


Talk with us

If you want to participate actively in Wikimedia Italia, what about joining the mailing list? http://mailman.wikimedia.it/mailman/listinfo/associazione
Beware! The list may be quite lively, with up to twenty messages a day.

Editorial staff:

  • Luca Sileni (editor-in-chief)
  • Frieda Brioschi;
  • Marco Chemello;
  • Nemo (section "News from WMF projects")
  • Aubrey (section "News from Biblioteca" and GLAM)
  • Christian Cantoro (section "News from W@H" )
  • .mau. (English version)

To contact the staff, write at: redazione@wikimedia.it or directly to the editors:

  • Luca Sileni - wikisenpai(chiocciola)gmail.com
  • Frieda Brioschi - ubifrieda(chiocciola)gmail.com
  • CristianCantoro - kikkocristian(chiocciola)gmail.com

Notice. This newsletter is exclusively intended for information about Wikimedia Italia, both to its members and to the general public; as per Art. 1, Comma 2, Legge 7 marzo 2001 no. 62, it is not an editorial product